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descriptionwmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Empty[SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit]

Animation météo par satellites


GPS Enabled Weather Radar

wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Descri10

- Gets weather radar for current GPS location or using cell towers
(to get location using cell towers uncheck "Use GPS" in Settings)
- Ability to manually enter location
- Click anywhere on the map to move to that location
- Different zoom levels
- Animated radar loop
- Multiple resolutions (VGA,QVGA,WVGA,WQVGA) Portrait/Landscape/Square
- Integrates with Showaco TitaniumWeather 4.2 PlugIn

wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Screen10

wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] %28METTRE-LIEN-D%27IMAGE-COPIER-COLLER-POUR-PLUS-D%27IMAGES%29wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Gpswr_10wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Gpswr_11

wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Gpswr_12wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Gpswr_13wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Gpswr_14wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Gpswr_15
wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Change10
- Option to show/hide GPS details on radar/satellite location update.
- Shows frame postion when in a loop (as -+----, --+---, etc.).
- Other minor improvements and code clean up.

- Autoupdate radar based on set interval (5 - 60 min, Settings -> Misc -> Auto update interval).
Tap Update -> Auto Update, then
Update -> Radar - will refresh radar image for current location every n minutes.
Update -> Location + Radar - will acquire new position and get radar image for it every n minutes.
- Ability to store/open custom urls. (opens in your default browser)
You can pass application parameters into the urls using custom tags (see Tips & Tricks below)
- Satellite loop is now available for Europe, Africa (15 minute increments) and Asia (30 minute increments).
- Faster update speed.
- Option to show radar/satellite legend.
- Other minor improvements.
- Speed and stability improvements.
- Other minor fixes.
- Added option to cancel radar update.
- Other minor fixes.
- Some minor fixes.
- Added a version for WM Standard (non touchscreen).
- Other minor enhancements.
- Fixed a bug where culture specific decimal formatting prevented GPS fix in Raw interface mode.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases radar image was 1 hour older than what the app showed.
- Webservice enhancements.
- Fixed a bug where culture specific decimal formatting did not allow correct Radar/Satellite image to be downloaded.
- Fixed reg file to import the GPS Radar to the Titanium Weather (thanks MysticGenius)
- Minor fixes
- New source of Map/Radar/Satellite data
- Support for more locations - USA, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, Brazil, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean
(126W,50N - 66W,24N; 57.4922W,57.4922N - 57.4922E,57.4922S; 57.4923E,59.7901N - 116.7913E,59.7901S)

wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Telech10

wmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Autres10

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Dernière édition par DEDO le Ven 13 Aoû 2010 - 14:26, édité 1 fois

descriptionwmservicegps - [SOFT] GPS ENABLED WEATHER RADAR : Meteo par localisation GPS [Gratuit] Emptylogicielgps wmlogicielgps wmservicegps

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