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description[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Empty[SD][BUILD] SPGinger HD2 [12/8/10]

SPGinger HD2

[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Descri10



Im gonna pull this straight from infinitybiff when I say, "I'm not a dev, nor do I claim to be, yes this is easy, sharing is caring. If your phone explodes, not it."

This rom is extremely alpha, it is more of a proof of concept than anything.
Just in case you didnt understand, this rom is highly experimental.
Flash at your own risk. If you have any ideas to make this rom better, please, by all means, contact me.

This rom was made using the sdk dump that I pulled out yesterday, however Darkstone1337 made the rom bootable and passed on the knowledge,
then M-deejay took that knowledge and made the core of this rom. I am just putting some things in it to make it a little better.

Extract the "Android" folder in the ZIP file below to your MicroSD Card, pop it into your HD2, open File Explorer from WinMo, find the Android folder, tap CLRCAD.exe and then Haret.exe, and you're off!

[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Screen10

@ venir Wink

[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Change10

Added 262mb data.img courtesy of atoore.

Temp BSOD fix
After pressing power button once, press and hold power button till vibrate, then press back button. May take a few attempts but persistance is key.
(Credit to dakluck)

[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Telech10

Im gonna say version 0.1 http://www.mediafire.com/?7o7mgkqpb3falg6

Darkstone1337 - For making Gingerbread on our phones possible.
M-deejay - For then using that knowledge and making the core of this rom.
atoore - Used his 262mb data.img
dakluck - Found the fix for BSOD (temporary)
m-deejay - Used his kernel. They rock.
IcedCube - Currently making me a data.img that seems to fix some problems.

dakluck - Awesome dude for finding the temp BSOD fix
MotoMudder77 - Provides me with all the logcats I could ever need
Legioner79 - Still waiting for him to get on Gtalk

If I use anything else, credit will be given.

Known bugs
White screen after animation/menu popup, just swipe or touch anywhere in the white area and it should go away. Its just slow screen redraw.
Home button does not work.
Slow (of course)

Quick edit
Wow, 45 downloads in less than 10 minutes? Thanks all!

[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Autres10


Aussi disponible dans la [SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  Yboourv Sinon, uploadez la Wink!

description[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  EmptyRe: [SD][BUILD] SPGinger HD2 [12/8/10]

si quelqu'un a des screens,je suis preneur,merci Wink

description[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  EmptyRe: [SD][BUILD] SPGinger HD2 [12/8/10]

en faite aparament voila la video

description[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  EmptyRe: [SD][BUILD] SPGinger HD2 [12/8/10]

Si quelqu'un a des retours à donner je suis preneur smile

Edit : Ouais bon, sur la vidéo, ça à l'air de bien ramé, mais bon, ça parait logique, laissons le temps aux développeurs de bien maitriser cette nouvelle version ! [SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  61393

description[SD][BUILD]  SPGinger HD2   [12/8/10]  EmptyRe: [SD][BUILD] SPGinger HD2 [12/8/10]

Attention c'est tiré d'une version sdk, donc toutes les fonctionnalités (et surtout les plus intéressantes) n'y sont pas intégré.
Vaut mieux attendre la sortie du Nexus S (dans moins de deux jours aux US) pour obtenir la rom d'origine et la porter convenablement chez nous Wink
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