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description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 Empty[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4


[ROM][4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7.7][5/28] for Nexus4


Une Rom mitonnée  par Flipzmode [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 Avatar1507622_1et reprise maintenant par   BaNkS [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 Avatar2915683_7
Le mot du chef:
"Xylon est minimaliste. Elle est conçue pour tirer pleinement parti du matériel de l'appareil et de fournir à l'utilisateur une expérience pure d'Android. Elle est expérimentale. Vitesse, batterie, testez, testez. La ROM meilleur combo que vous pouvez obtenir à partir Kang'ed FNV, CM, AOKP, TeamBAKED et PA. Sans oublier Linaro et codefireX. Une ROM conçue pour être fluide avec un style convivial pour vous. ..."

Standard Features

Android 4.2.2


1. Télécharger la Rom et la copier sur la Sd
2. Démarrer et aller dans votre Recovery, TWRP  recommandé, CWM à partir de la version 4.2
3. Si vous venez d'une autre Rom Wipe Data/factory, et dans tous les cas wipe du cache et wipe du Dalvik cache
4. Installer la rom depuis le Recovery, puis flasher les Gapps ...

Pensez à faire un backup à faire dans le recovery avant l'installation Wink

Images & Vidéos

[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 M3AXKJ1

Derniers Changements

May 28
-French Translations
-Mako Kernel changes/updates

May 25

-Frameworks: Merge branch 'cm-10.1' of git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_native into HEAD
-Frameworks Telephony: Merge "RIL: Correct the RIL_REQUEST_DIAL api missmatch" into cm-10.1
-Phone: Merge branch 'jb4.2' of git://github.com/SlimRoms/packages_apps_Phone into jellybean
-Contacts: Fix: reported TRDS icon issue

Versions précédentes :


La version du 28 mai  

Les dernières versions stables  
Les dernières versions "nighties"  

Les Gapps "inverted"


...[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 Q6czK


[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 2ff3a007f40902e6689a8b2a9284284e

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Dernière édition par bzhmobile le Lun 22 Juil 2013 - 0:29, édité 7 fois

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Réserved Wink

HTC google nexus 4 nexus4 LGnexus Rom custom BAKED htc-dev htcdev Génération mobiles

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Mis à jour avec la version du 22 mars (pas trouvé le changelog, désolé) Wink

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Tres bonne rom et maintenant traduite en français, BANKS à repris cette rom avec des nightlies

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

J'ai modifié le topic en ce sens Wink

merci pour l'info smile

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

March 27th

-Fix PIE toggle Longpress click
-Add missing 0018.png in part1 and decrease fps to 16 (Bootanimation)
-Mako: Allow displaying "Volume Rocker Wake" option
-Update French Translations
-Fix Tablet UI Mode FC (Users: Note that the UI Mode settings in the XYSettings is un-usable atm, the settings will be remove once i got the time to do it. Secondly, tablet interface ui and yadda yadda will be available in the Hybrid Settings. Enjoy)
-Some drawable changes (Wallpapers & buttons)
-Merge branch 'jellybean-hybrid' into jellybean
-IME : Fix sym key regression
-FlingTracker which can hang StatusBar and cause an infinite loop
-Fix a URL
-Add AirOne70 - new XY Member
-Added a dependency (Disable notifications options when the notifications are disabled)
-Re-organize some coding for MMS
-Some code fixes
-Fix up hide Volume key cursor control

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Super , merci, merci, merci smile je le rajoute ...

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Voici un lien pour les changelogs lien

Nouvelle mise à jour [ROM][4.2.2 JDQ39][Xylon][Official][Mako][Stable Nightlies][3/31]

Changelog du 31 mars

-SysUI : Fix opacity of LastApp Icon
-SysUI: Prevent Kill-Task from killing SystemUI.
-Koush broke my cache! (RecentsPanelView fixes)
-Only disable pie on lockscreen if lockscreen is secure (allows users to access notifications and quick tiles
from the lockscreen and still be secure. following aosp behavior)
-Force clear cache on 'clear all' (Add long click to 'clear all' button in recents panel to force clear caches,
dentries and inodes)
-Revert "Fix spurious ANR occurence when MOTION batch event is not served by the InputTransporter"
-LockscreenTargets : Dismiss on target select
-Fix layout issues with increasing volume option.
-Remove redundant background from ClockFragment
-One small line fix for Russian language
-Add empty view when no alarms are set
-Feature: Bedtime calculator (Adds a bedtime calculator to each alarm)
-Add Spanish translations (Thanks to Galaxo60)
-Code fixes
-Make xHDPI's SysUI cute (DPI from "320" to "290")
-Change version from "official-2.4-beta2" to "official-2.4"
-Change flashing ROM script ("Installing : v2.3.3" to "Installing : v2.4")
-Add CM skinny battery back.
-Fixup battery text so offset battery looks how it should and cm battery does also.
-CM Skinny Batt Drawables
-Hybrid Settings, now, in French.
-Dynamically allocate soinfo-structs in linker (Request memory from the system when needed instead of
having a fixed array for soinfo structs.)
-Codes fixes for Samsung Tuna
-Change use dithering to 0 (less overheating?)
-Create S84ext4
-Create sqlite_optimize
-Create media_profiles.xml (Increases bitrate)
-Create S89touch (Increases touch response)
-Create S01defrag
-Remove some codes in media_profiles.xml
-Fixes to config/tuna.mk
-Revert "FW : Fix Tablet Layout (Clock & Notification)"
-Some Tablet changes
-Drawables (packages/SystemUI/res/drawable-sw1000dp-hdpi/....)
-Overhaul of packages/SystemUI/res/drawable-hdpi/....
-Fix Tablet choppyness
-Make text size smaller (StatusBar Clock "30dp" to "26dp" & SystemBar Expanded CLock "82dp" to "80dp")
-Revert "hardware rendering pie on tablet statusbar?"
-General tabui fixes (Remove unused code. Fix recreation of notification panel each time. The late call of
controllers fixes battery issue.)
-Fix notification panel / quicksettings going out of screen
-TABUI layout fixes (no gaps, no jumping notification center when you switch from notif-view to
-Some derp fixes
-No FC if no Calender and 1000p Style
-[HTML5] Implementation of WebSockets (framework).
-Better, looking, Tablet UI looks in lower Density ofcourse
-CM Skinny Bar
-Code fixes in res/xml/general_ui_settings.xml
-Build fix for Mako (overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/values/styles.xml)

lien pour le telechargement de la rom

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Yop , Post1 mis à jour smile

Merci pour toutes ces infos Wink

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Pas de soucis

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Mise à jour du Post1 avec la V2.5 du 13 avril Wink

description[ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4 EmptyRe: [ROM JB 4.2.2][ ✯ Xylon ✯][Official][Mako][Linaro][2.7][5/28] for Nexus 4

Post1 mis à jour avec la version du 28 mai Wink
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