Version pour windows Mobile uniquement, si vous êtes sous Android merci de vous rendre ICI
RUNGPS est un soft ultra complet qui apporte énormément de fonction et fonctionne très bien.
Non seulement il va vous donné une multitude d'info pendant votre effort physique mais en plus va vous permettre d'archiver sur un site web (une énorme communauté ) vos parcours effectués , vos entraiments , vos déplacements avec toute les caractéristiques qui vont avec.
Pour en savoir plus sur RUNGPS cliquer sur le spoiler
Qu’est-ce que Run.GPS ?
Le premier logiciel sérieux de sport pour PDA et Smarthone.
Run.GPS est l’outil parfait pour les sports comme la course à pied, le ski et la marche. Il utilise le Global Positioning System (GPS) pour enregistrer tous vos paramètres d’entraînement comme la vitesse, la distance et l’altitude.
Caractéristiques principales :
[*]Naviguer en terrain inconnu, aidé par la navigation avec waypoints et routes.
[*]Import direct de cartes depuis GPS-Sport, Google Earth et d’autres sources.
[*]Ecouter les informations de navigation et d’entrainement dans vos écouteurs pendant que vous écoutez de la musique.
[*]Créer des plans d’entraînement et les synchroniser avec le calendrier de Pocket Outlook.
Quels sports sont supportés ?
Basiquement tous les sports où vous pouvez emmener votre PDA ou Smartphone avec vous. Si vous ne pouvez pas le prendre vous pouvez quand même utiliser Run.GPS pour créer et gérer vos entraînements.
De quoi ai-je besoin?
Vous avez besoin d’un PDA ou d’un Smartphone avec un GPS intégré ou un GPS externe. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur la Page de téléchargement. Il est aussi possible d’utiliser une ceinture néoprène
Run.GPS 2.3.7b Build 2070 (07-Jul-2010)
* new sports icons
* separate version for Android 1.6 (Android market filters application though minSDK is set to 4) (Android version)
* support for Bluetooth heart rate monitor connectivity on all Android 2.0 and higher platforms (there have been Bluetooth connection problems on some platforms)
Run.GPS 2.3.7 (25-Jun-2010)
* support for new routing types: mountain bike, racing bike and car (shortest route)
* fixed bug: misaligned training plans (Android version)
* changed OpenPisteMap access URL
* InstantTrailMap does not work on negative latitude / longitude - fixed
* pressing the "back" android key in text fields sometimes blank screen locks the application - fixed (Android version)
* fixed several minor bugs
Run.GPS 2.3.6e build 2015 for Windows Mobile (28-May-2010)
* less memory consumption (to avoid crashes when the display orientation is often switched - which normally uses a lot of memory because the bitmaps are newly created for each rotation)
* bug fixed: online maps are not displayed if the maximum number of concurrent maps is set to 1
* minor bug fixes
Run.GPS 2.3.6e build 2015 for Google Android (21-May-2010)
This release is only for Google Android!
* fixed problems with HTC Desire, HTC Legend and other HTC devices
o GPS is not used, not satellites are shown OK
+ changed location provder requirement
* Bluetooth heart rate monitor is not recognized OK
o changed access method
o improved re-initializing after app restart
o known problem on HTC Desire: after disconnecting the heart rate monitor, you cannot connect again (you have to restart the application
* Run.GPS ID is wrongly displayed ("|" instead of "J") OK
o changed text field layout
* app crashes
o crashes after screen rotation - solved (reduced memory footprint)
o some threads have not been shutdown - solved
* voice output OK
o thread does not run after app restart (incomplete shutdown) - solved
* line width sometimes to small (incorrect scaling) OK
* show hour glass when connecting / disconnecting heart rate monitor OK
* degrees symbol is not shown OK
o changed encoding
Run.GPS 2.3.6c build 1961 (02-Apr-2010)
* fixed bug in cadence calculation with Zephyr HxM heart rate sensor
* reduced main memory usage (to avoid problems with high resolution devices that do not have enough contiguous free memory for very large bitmaps)
Run.GPS 2.3.6 build 1956 (23-Mar-2010)
* bug fixed: application may crash when the GPS measured altitude because 0 m (= 0 ft = sea level)
Run.GPS 2.3.6 build 1952 (12-Mar-2010)
* add another GPS data filter to improve distance (and other values based on distance like average speed, average pace, average heart efficiencey, ...) calculation (the new GPS data filter is an incremental version of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm) (this specially concerns devices like the HTC Touch HD2 which provide noisy GPS data)
o better combination of GPS based distance measurement and accelerometer based distance measurement (using Zephyr HxM built-in accelerometer)
* new algorithm for speed calculation
o new option: use original speed value from GPS device instead of calculating speed with own algorithms (this is now default)
* improved display quality for all tile based maps (OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, ...) (map tiles are not zoomed anymore in most cases)
* added new info display "altitude gain" = current altitude - start altitude
* added generic support for Bluetooth heart rate monitors (other than the Zepyhr HxM/HRM and the FRWD B100/B600)
* increase max downloadable map size from 15 km diameter to 30 km diameter
* avoid unwanted editing of info displays
* avoid GPS status messages being spoken too often (GPS status messages are now given only if the GPS status changes for at least 15 secs, not if there is only a very short lack of signal strength)
* moved smoothing buffer settings from "General Settings" to "GPS Settings"
* bug fixed: average power and average calorie consumption values are wrong (current values instead of average values) when a heart rate monitor is used
* in training info dialog, "delete" button is now put below "upload" button to make it less probable that the delete button is pressed on error
* bug fixed: application sometimes crashes on exit (Android)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.5 build 1916 (08-Feb-2010)
* fixed a problem on Touch HD2 which might lead to the application crashing when you try to enter a licence key
* if you have activated the setting "when device is locked > turn off screen completely" (Configuration > General Settings), the screen will now automatically power off about 15 seconds after you temporarily switched on the screen by pressing the Power button (you can press the "lock" symbol during that time to unlock the device)
* inserted new application icon (thanks Rouven!)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.5 build 1910 (29-Jan-2010)
* added support for .NET Compact Framework 3.7 (e.g. on HTC Touch HD2); on some devices a "InvalidProgramException" came up when starting the application; this error is due to a bug in the Microsoft C# compiler, see
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.5 build 1899 (25-Jan-2010)
* on Windows Mobile 6 Standard and Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone (concerns only devices without touch screen!), there has been a crash when trying to input text (e.g. online location search) - fixed
* fixed a problem on Android "Run.GPS Trainer Lite" version which may cause the application to crash when the start button is pushed
* a few minor improvements
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile and Google Android 2.3.5 (19-Jan-2010)
* additional data telemetry for live tracking
o Song
o Title
o Sport
o Remaining Time
o Remaining Distance
o Avg Heart Rate
o Avg Cadence
o Avg Heart Efficiency
o Active Duration
o Ascent
o Descent
o Calories
* extended live tracking functions on
* Bluetooth HRM support added (required Android 2.0 or higher)
* high resolution application icon (Windows Mobile)
* use OS specific software keyboard instead of the Run.GPS keyboard (Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.5)
* fixed bug in diagram panel: when x-axis is set to 'distance' mode, distance is in miles and set to display ful range, the x-axis show wrong values
* fixed bug in heart rate monitor dialog: after disconnecting the HRM and closing the confirmation dialog, sometimes 3 buttons appear instead of 2
* add a big start/stop and split button that can be placed anywhere
* add support for reading and writing of large GPX files - avoid getting out of memory when loading/storing large GPX files (Android)
* speak abstract for nearby Wikipedia articles using Android 1.6 text-to-speech (Android)
* use Android text-to-speech engine for all speech output (Android)
o open dialog for installing TTS data if not installed yet (Android)
* added Italian voice output (Android)
* better support for the Android "Back" button (Back button should work in all dialogs) (Android)
* bug fixed: distance and remaining distance is not announced (text-to-speech) on some Android devices (Android)
* significantly reduce CPU load (Android)
* add support for MortPlayer 3.31b77 ( (Windows Mobile)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile and Google Android 2.3.4 Build 1790 (14-Nov-2009)
* support for heart rate variability analysis in Zephyr HxM/HRM driver
* new info displays for heart rate variability analysis:
o ø NN Interval: average duration (ms) of NN interval
o ø HRV: average heart rate variability (ms)
o SDNN: standard deviation for NN intervals
o pNN50: percentage of NN interval changes greater than 50 ms
o pNN100: percentage of NN interval changes greater than 100 ms
* export NN interval data as text file "hr-data.dat" (in training folder)
* Zephyr HxM heart rate monitor: improved auto-reconnect function (Windows Mobile)
* hide map tiles from Android Gallery (the folder "osm" is renamed to ".osm") (Android)
* OutOfMemoryError can ocurr when laoding map tiles > this is OK but must not result in crash (Android)
* scrolling panes responsiveness: show UI reaction as soon as the user holds down the finger on one element (Android)
* fixed upload to (Windows Mobile)
* when downloading routes from Download Cart, avoid language specific characters getting lost (e.g. German Umlaute)
* faster voice output (Android)
* smaller installation size 7.8 >> 5.7 MB (Android)
* add a wizard for registration at
* training time is displayed with an offset of x hours in some time zones - fixed (Android)
* sports can not be permanently deleted - fixed (Windows Mobile)
* don't repeat navigation voice messages
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile and Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1661 (10-Oct-2009)
* Android and Windows device types are identified when uploading trainings to; the device type is displayed on the training page
* bug fixes and minor improvements
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.3 Build 1621 (16-Sep-2009)
* fixed bug in the Windows Mobile version: several settings (vibration, GPS, ...) did not get saved
Run.GPS 2.3.3 (Google Android and Windows Mobile) (15-Sep-2009)
* added "navigate to route starting point" feature
* added plus and minus buttons for easier zooming in and out
* added 6 new info buttons: slope, min slope, max slope, ascent rate, max ascent rate, min ascent rate OK
* improved keyboard layout and added "Cancel" button
* when searching for the same place more than one time, old results are used instead of retrieving new results from the server
* bug: when exporting a training in big format, no altitude data appears (data and diagram)
* add new sports: fitness-training, ball-playing
* new language: Swedish
* if user.xml or configuration.xml is corrupted (file size zero) - remove
* KML files: support for MultiGeometry tag
* support for G-Sensor distance and speed
* Live Tracking: also send and display training distance, training duration, current speed, current heart rate, current cadence and altitude
* bug: virtual training partner does not move on map although distances etc. are displayed correctly
* fixed problem with coordinate parsing
* some minor bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1615 (11-Sep-2009)
* faster voice output
* checks and deletes corrupted configuration files (files may get corrupted if the sd card is full)
* bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1605 (08-Sep-2009)
* added navigate to route start feature
* bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1601 (04-Sep-2009)
* added Instant Trail Mapping support (automatically builds a map layer from all of your tracks)
* some bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1598 (01-Sep-2009)
* first publicly available version for Android
* bigger buttons for use with capacitive touch screens
* has already all functions of the Windows build except the following:
o Intstant Trail Mapping will be added later
o no support for .msi, .gpx, .kmz map calibration files yet, but online map layers can be added through the "maps.xml" file (see manual and forum for more information)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.2 Build 1532 (14-May-2009)
* fixed OSM upload
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.2 Build 1520 (15-Apr-2009)
* application may hang when it is closed (if an upload process has been cancelled before)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.2 (9-Apr-2009)
* added configurable "lead directly back to route" navigation - leads you directly back to your route only if a configurable distance is exceeded
* added the Italian language
* auto-reconnect function for FRWD B100/B600
* added direct download button for online maps (Main Menu > Configuration > Map Settings > Items on Map)
* fixed problem of zoom bar getting displayed to small on *some* high resolution devices
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.1 (13-Mar-2009)
* vibrate the device when user is off route, current interval is switched, heart rate/speed limits are exceeded or GPS signal is weak- add a new map layer showing nearby users (or optionally only live users or only friends)
* provide direct access to the redacted tours on (Main Menu > Online Services > Find Routes) (mostly for Germany)
* automatically switch on backlight when getting close to a turn or when a placemark information window pops up
* make it possible to stop/cancel any uploading or downloading process
* added Russian, Czech, Hebrew and Dutch translations (thank you Ella, Jan, Arie and Guus for translating)
* added new sports cross-country-skiing, mushing, sledding and snowshoeing
* provide an interface to use the Live Tracking feature with
* restructure the "Map Items" dialog in a more logical way
* make buttons '1' and '2' switch to the next/previous screen instead of switching to 'Recorder' and 'Map'
* support for Windows CE (requires a CE device with .NET Compact Framework installed and support for alpha blending (i.e. transparency))
* restore last used zoom level when application is started
* provide extra setting to keep the backlight turned on (Main Menu > Configuration > General Settings > Keep backlight always turned on; this setting is useful for owners of Smartphones without touchscreen who cannot handle the button on the main screen)
* trainingplan activities: translate sports
* package all languages in one installation file (DE, EN, FR, ES with voice output, CZ, RU, HE, NL without)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.0 build 1376 (13-Jan-2009)
* better map zooming for Smartphones (without touch screen)
* fixed a bug which may result in application crash (when trying to open reports in an unsupported web browser; when removing info popups on a map while a new info popup is opened)
* improved calculation of ascent and descent
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.0 (01-Jan-2009)
* support for Bluetooth heart rate monitors
* optional dialog for selecting sport when application is started (Main Menu > Configuration > General Settings > When application is started > Select Sport)
* make it possible to upload indoor activities (recording only heart rate and cadence, but no distances and speeds, without GPS connected)
* integration of additional sensor data: heart rate, cadence, temperature, air pressure
* new diagrams: heart rate diagram, pace diagram, cadence diagram, temperature diagram, DOP diagram
* show info popups directly on map when getting close to a placemark or when clicking on a placemark
* add zoom slider to maps
* add Bluetooth drivers for Zephyr HRM/HxM and FRWD B100 devices
* add master switch for interval training
* interval training: make it possible to select interval length in 10 seconds increments
* do NOT store speaker volume and do NOT set it to the stored value when application starts (just keep the current volume setting on the device from now on - volume can be changed in Main Menu > Voice Output)
* make cursor better visible for high resolutions
* add "reverse route" to dialog "select for navigation or delete"
* diagrams: add horizontal bars for average value (speed, pace, cadence, heart rate, temperature) and interval min/max limits (speed, pace, heart rate)
* add ability to completely lock hardware keys (if you use this function, you cannot at the same time use the center key for starting/stopping the training session; on a Touch HD this locks all keys except the Power key and the Home key)
* add remote control for MortPlayer (start/pause/frwd/back) (download Mortplayer freeware from
* scale all icons on map on high resolution devices
* bug fixed: when switching from Navigator to Map screen, map tiles are often displaced
* uploading of placemarks from Run.GPS to portal website
* when user starts a training session from a planned activity, set min and max heart rate for the new training from the planned activity
* add color pink for tracks and routes (requested by Bosti)
* many improvements for high resolution devices
* bug fixed: training log does not show correct max heart rates for planned activities (thanks engee974 for reporting)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.8 (01-Nov-2008)
* added online route planning capability (based on OpenStreetMap maps and the Gosmore router), let's you choose between foot, bike and motorized navigation mode (see chapter "4.8.2. Online Navigation" in the manual)
* online place search makes it possible to move the map to any spot on the globe (see chapter "6.9 Online Place Search" in the manual)
* support for additional map layers that can be configured in the "maps.xml" file (see for map specifications and chapter "5.4.Adding More Online Map Layers" in the manual)
* do not change select fields while scrolling (e.g. General Settings dialog)
* give warning every minute if the GPS signal remains to weak to record
* distinguish between "GPS signal weak" and "GPS signal TOO weak" ("too weak" means that nothing is recorded)
* done some minor bug fixes
Some screenshots for the 2.2.8 release can be found here
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.7 build 1248 (13-Oct-2008)
* program needs so much free memory on startup that it won't start on some devices and a message saying "OutOfMemoryException" appears - decreased required amount of free memory
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.7 (08-Oct-2008)
* new off-route navigation mode: leads you directly back to the route and will tell you to turn left or right when you arrive back at your route
* avoid misleading turning instructions when returning to a route that has been lost before
* "tourist feature": add new info display that shows the nearest Wikipedia article (title and abstract); clicking the title opens a browser window with the full article
* interval training by distance (instead of time)
* make it possible to configure the colors of the track, Instant Trail Map and route (Map Settings > Items on Map)
* make required DOP (dilution of precision) and minimum pause time configurable (GPS Settings)
* optionally save (remember) Live Tracking settings (check "save setting" in Online Services > Live Tracking); if you use this option, Live Tracking will start when Run.GPS is started
* make it possible to start new trainings directly from training plan items (title, sport and description are automatically set in the training, average speed is used for speed warnings and selected route is loaded)
* redesign control bar with bigger buttons to make it easier to use Run.GPS on small screen high resolution devices such as the HTC Diamond
* add possibility to change sport directly from control bar
* move scrollable panes with finger slides in addition to using up/down buttons
* open web pages in system default browser (reports and help pages are still opened in Internet Explorer because some browsers, e.g. Opera Mini, are not able to open pages from the file system)
* bug fixed: distances are doubled when loading a training multiple times from the training log
* when voice output is configured for a certain distance (e.g. every kilometer), begin speech output at exact distance
* count less calories for mountainbiking (calorie count for mountainbiking has been too high)
* allow fractions of kilograms when entering user weight
* avoid zoom buttons getting stuck when a big training session is loaded (you always got into the "layout" menu by error if you press the zoom buttoms)
* improved support for WVGA (480x800) resolution (Samsung SGH-i900 Omnia, Sony Ericsson Xperia X1)
* routes assigned to a training plan entry on can now also be edited on Run.GPS
* keep cursor centered while moving map
Some screenshots for the 2.2.7 release can be found here
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 build 1171 08/11/2008
* bug fixed: when there is an active training plan and there are weeks with no activities, the training log dialog may crash (thank you Markus for the detailed report)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 build 1170 08/07/2008
* restructured "Training Log & Plan" for easier use
* more exact distance calculation for training recordings with sharp curves (had been rounded off in earlier versions)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 build 1164 07/31/2008
* added possibility to display full altitude diagram of the way lying ahead
* concerns HTC Diamond = O2 Diamond = MDA Compact IV only: when switching to COM4 at 19200 baud (recommended, because no altitude is obtained when using "Windows managed GPS"), the application does not connect GPS at startup - problem is now fixed
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 07/18/2008
* fully user configurable screens
o 18 different screen layouts (each adapted for portrait, square and landscape screens)
o change any element on any screen (67 different displays available) - hold the stylus pressed for 2 seconds on any element to change screen and info display settings
o screen names can be changed
* add interval timers with
o speed warnings
o interval voice output
o loading and storing interval configurations
o additional info buttons for interval number, interval duration, remaining interval time, interval max speed, interval min speed
* add mini diagram and mini map info buttons
* add possibility to force reloading of OpenStreetMap/CycleMap/OpenPisteMap map tiles (dialog Online Services > Download OpenStreetMap)
* make synchronization individual for the three supported portals (,,
* add new info display for displaying the distance to the "virtual training partner" (competing against a previous training recording or a downloaded route)
* display "virtual training partner" on map
* turn off screen completely (instead of setting back light to lowest level) when application is locked (new option in General Settings)
* add ability to lock/unlock by holding either the right soft (function) key or the down key for 3 seconds
* add 0.25 mi/km and 0.5 mi/km voice output
* sync training recordings only max three months back
* picture search: do not search "\Network" directory (new in Windows Mobile 6.1 - network volumes are mounted here)
* faster route display (routes with more than 500 points caused serious performance problems in previous releases)
* write backup of track data (.GPB) if auto-repair function is used on corrupted data
* add ability to delete routes
* and GPSies route finder: find only exactly matching routes , support more sports on
* reading .gmi files for map calibration: added support for latest version
* use a lock file to detect when application crashed and recover the meta-information for the crashed training
* add 15 and 30 min interval for live tracking
* bug fix: "distance from route" is calculated correctly only for distances < 25 km > add an algorithm for greater distances
* bug fix: avoid training being stopped when OK button is pressed
* bug fix: when you load OpenStreetMap tiles that are far away (> 50 km) from your current location, the maps are loaded in the wrong place
* bug fix: application crashes when right function key is pressed in a text menu dialog that has no right function button
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.5 build 1055 06/14/2008
* remember the screen that was last used on application startup
* bug fixed: if you push buttons very fast both screen content and dialog may appear "mixed up"
* bug fixed: the unregistered version might start with an "Argument Exception" and terminate
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.5 build 1028 06/10/2008
* faster menus
* fast map moving with stylus or keys
* remember last GPS position on startup
* bug fixed: sometimes a diagonal line appeared in track display
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.5 06/06/2008
* more detailed routing instructions (e.g. "turn slight left" or "turn sharp right"
* combined routing instructions (e.g. "after 100 m turn right then turn slight left")
* 35% faster voice output
* removed gaps between map tiles from OpenStreetMap layer
* no search for photos or videos in "Application Data" dir (Opera cache is located here)
* new map focus mode: focus map on a friend
* automatic track-repair in case of corrupt track data (after battery failure or similar incident)
* stricter timing for voice output
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.4 05/24/2008
* support for Cycle Map, licenced by Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
* support for OpenPisteMap, licenced by Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
* display online placemarks on the map: displays mountains, cities, hotels, parks, ... directly on the map screen (automatically reloaded when the map is refreshed); activate in "Map Settings > Items on Map"
* extra zoom buttons for detail level, medium level and overview level
* faster zoom (no more pauses)
* if there are multiple placemarks in one spot, you can now access all by double-clicking again
* bug fix: diagrams are empty when a training report is created from the training log book
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.3 build 985 05/15/2008
* automatically refresh Wikipedia placemarks (activate in "Map Settings > Items on Map")
* added robustness: if a training recording has no start event, it is added automatically when the training is loaded or exported (thanks Arno for the problem report)
* bug fix: application crashes if no password has been entered and you download articles from Wikipedia (no password required for that)
* bug fix: in build 977 automatic OpenStreetMap download was always active when the OpenStreetMap layer was activated
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.3 05/09/2008
* online Wikipedia article finder (displays articles for objects near your current location)
* adjustable altitude smoothing buffer
* background OpenStreetMap download (map is not blocked while downloading OSM tiles)
* access placemarks and track positions on map with double-click
* bug fixed: when temporary placemarks are loaded (user placemarks or Wikipedia placemarks), the placemarks list does not refer to the correct items
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.2 build 966 04/25/2008
* bug fixed: start time is wrong when training is not started directly after starting Run.GPS and the GPS device already has valid signal
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.2 04/23/2008
* add OpenStreetMap upload capabilities
* individual user settings for and
* output more specific error messages when connection problems occur
* support for Windows Media Video (WMV) portal upload
* full French and Spanish support
* fixed a problem for square screen smartphones in dialog "Reports"
* add DD°MM.MM' latitude and longitude output format
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.1 build 939 04/08/2008
* allow DD°MM.MM' format when entering latitudes and longitudes
* swap battery display and lock button
* remove "load" and "delete" buttons in training log for currently loaded training
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.1 build 935 04/03/2008
* allow entering calories when a training is added manually
* make it possible to edit manual trainings
* display calories in training log detail page and training detail page on GPS-Sport portal
* added new sport "golfing"
* application is blocked while training summary is spoken when the training is stopped - fixed
* some minor bug fixes
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.0 build 920 03/28/2008
* display altitude profile for the route ahead (until now only altitude profiles of the already covered part of a route have been displayed - done
* make it possible to create training plans on and sync them online to Run.GPS (or import as .tml file) - done
* make it possible to download training plans via Download Cart - done
* update sports list, add new sports - done
o see discussion
o add calories calculation for new sports
o create icons for new sports
* display tracks and routes with bright aura to separate from the background - done
* add new lap detection mode: automatically create new laps after a given distance is covered - done
* draw little arrows on route to indicate direction - done
* add new placemark types - done
* when sending the current position, also send the time zone (or client time) to - done
* when a new lap is started (automatic lap detection or button is pressed), speak the lap time of the completed lap - done
* when application is locked and the backlight is turned off - turn on backlight for 5 seconds by pressing the right function key - done
* more exact geo-localization when uploading or sending a live tracking request - done
* when downloading routes from portal, also download and import altitude data - done
* import altitudes from GPX and KML route files - done
* translate sports names in the training log - done
* translate sports names in Pocket Outlook synchronization - done
* give a spoken summary when the user stops a training recording (configurable in voice dialog) - done
* add new distance values for voice output frequency: 10 km/mi, 20 km/mi - done
* if there are no training plans stored on a device yet, application crashes when user presses OK in the dialog for loading a training plan - fixed (thanks Krille for the bug report)
* if no placemarks are defined, application crashes when user presses "Navigate" in the dialog for selecting a placemark for navigation - fixed (thanks Krille for the bug report)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.2 build 809 03/10/2008
* distribute the buttons in the control bar more equally so it's easier to push them with by finger
* don't allow manual trainings to be loaded, edited and continued
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.2 build 808 03/06/2008
* center key may be active when application is not focused (i.e. you start or stop your training when pushing the center key in another program) - fixed
* main menu: when navigating to a page with only two buttons, one of them could not be reached - fixed
* active time calculation is wrong both for total time and lap time, when you stop training recording, keep on moving around and then start to record again - fixed (thanks for this one and other bug reports)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.2 build 803 02/06/2008
* audio and video upload capability (supported file types: WAV, MP3, MP4, MOV, MPEG, AVI, 3GP)
* download cart based download of recorded trainings as 'Virtual Training Partner'
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.1 build 790 01/30/2008
* bug fixed: when entering manual training distances in miles, perform correct conversion to kilometres
* entering manual trainings: make it possible to enter seconds (00:00:00)
* added French voice engine (not yet available for download)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.1 build 785 01/24/2008
* when using the COM port interface, allow using .Net COM port driver or native COM port driver (default) (Configuration > GPS Settings > use .Net COM port)
* sort sports in German language sports dialog
* when a sport is deleted and re-entered afterwards, assign correct English language code for upload
* default OpenStreetMap auto download to disabled
* play warning sound when route is left, battery is weak or GPS signal is lost
* distance from destination calculated incorrectly in prior version when following a moving target - fixed
* open a downloaded route as navigation route if and only if exactly one route has been downloaded from the portal
* provide german sports names
* use route titles as training titles if no training title has been specified
* added support for T-Mobile MDA Compact III (HTC P3300) running Windows Mobile 6 (set GPS to COM4, 4800 baud on this device); is not relevant for MDA Compact III running Windows Mobile 5 and not relevant for Xda Orbit (on these devices, use 'managed GPS')
* bug: deleting sports results in the remaining sports not to be shown completely - fixed
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.0 build 761 01/15/2008
* set GPS signal to 'no fix' when there is no new GPS data for more than 10 seconds (might happen when you shut down another application and the GPS stops working)
* improved training synchronization (upload again if a training has changed)
* filter out single GPS coordinate errors
* when synchronizing training sessions to the portal, a problem sometimes occurs while creating the upload archive for the currently active training session - fixed
* don't display navigation target as flag if placemark type is known
* update target placemark correctly in map view when target is dynamic ('friend')
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.0 01/04/2008
* online service for finding friends (people in your friends list on
* online service for finding nearby tracks and routes on and
* "synchronize" button that uploads all trainings not previously uploaded
* reset speaker volume to original level after program exit
* online update possibility
* faster GPS signal acquisition for some devices
* bug fixes and minor updates
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.7 12/12/2007 build 720
* map view: faster zooming
* map view: more zoom levels
* better support for square screen devices
* minor bug fixes
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.7 11/30/2007
* added OpenStreetMap map layer (note: this might not always be available or not be available at all in the future due to technical or licence restrictions)
* default to the storage card for storing Run.GPS data (concerns only new installations)
* fixed a problem with the voice output stopping under certain circumstances
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.6 11/27/2007 build 704
* added support for Samsung SGH-i616 / SGH-i617 BlackJack II (former builds haven't been able to deal with the GPS because the Dilution value was always too high)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.6 11/19/2007 build 701
* added "virtual training partner", allowing you to race against your previous training recordings and to others' training sessions; lead time is both displayed and spoken (see the manual 2.0.6 section 3.14 for more details)
* some minor bug fixes and improvements
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.5 10/30/2007 build 687
* bug fix: route data can be corrupted when downloading the same route several times using the cart download
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.5 10/12/2007 build 679
* fixed a problem with some GPS devices not displaying speed and distance although the GPS is valid
* added support for Smartphone QWERTY / QWERTZ keyboards (has to be activated on configuration > general settings dialog)
* added support for map calibration using GPX path files (see manual for more info)
* added calculation and display of "estimated training duration"
* added voice output for "estimated training duration" and "estimated arrival time"
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.4 10/09/2007
* added "remaining time" display and voice output
* added "arrival time" display
* word "remaining" was missing in English version ("remaining time", "remaining distance")
* fixed a typo
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.3 09/28/2007
* added direct upload to
* GPX format: fixed a bug that caused timestamps to be empty; added speeds
2.0.2 09/18/2007
* provide extra setting (configuration >> general settings) to turn off backlight when application is locked (helps save energy) (WM5 and WM6)
* allow empty info displays
* sort info buttons by topic
* minimize application when OK button is pressed
* display hourglass when starting/stopping/saving trainings
2.0.1 08/28/2007
* fixed a bug in ITM which caused artefacts in the maps
* disable function key input when the application is not focussed
2.0.0 08/24/2007 RELEASE
* added enhanced "full route" map mode: both a loaded route and the training track are now displayed fully
* fixed Stack Overflow bug that occurs when trial period is over and no licence key is available (as reported by Jochen)
* fixed voice output loop "distance from route" which occurred when distance based voice frequency is selected (reported by Theo)
1.9.7 08/21/2007
* added crosshair for selecting any spot on the map as navigation target and for creating placemarks
* various bugs fixed
1.9.6 build 525 08/18/2007
* when application is in locked mode and the focus is lost, disable lock down mode (otherwise the device cannot be controlled any more and has to be reset)
1.9.6 08/17/2007
* lock all application keys (calendar key, home key, etc) when the application is locked (except the two phone keys - they cannot be locked)
* soft keyboard: highlight keys when they are pressed
* fix map activation issue (map is not activated automatically in some cases)
* when a new licence code is entered, adapt licence level without restarting
* fixed: soft keyboard smartphone character much too big on VGA resolution
* fix overlapping of title and values in info buttons on "training data" screen on some devices
* added quick reference
* directly load main screen after showing startup screen
* some minor bug fixes
1.9.5 08/13/2007
* bugs in the VGA version are fixed
1.9.4 08/09/2007
* new icon
* avoid png files being copied to root dir
* added support for Map Calibrator maps
* bug fixes
1.9.3 08/06/2007
* added GPS recognition
* added Run.GPS 1.2.8 data import
* bug fixes
1.9.2 08/03/2007
* bugs fixed
1.9.1 07/31/2007
* key support: all functions available also for Smartphones without stylus
* many bug fixes
1.9.0 07/27/2007
* first public beta (based on the 1.x release but completely reengineered)
Téléchager RUN GPS
La Notice de Run.Gps
Puis je utiliser les cartes Offline ? Que mettre comme ceinture cardio bluetooth ? Problèmes avec les GPX ? Comment paramétrer l'antenne GPS ? Quelques réponses à ces questions ICI
Aussi disponible dans la Sinon, uploadez le !
Version pour windows Mobile uniquement, si vous êtes sous Android merci de vous rendre ICI
RUNGPS est un soft ultra complet qui apporte énormément de fonction et fonctionne très bien.
Non seulement il va vous donné une multitude d'info pendant votre effort physique mais en plus va vous permettre d'archiver sur un site web (une énorme communauté ) vos parcours effectués , vos entraiments , vos déplacements avec toute les caractéristiques qui vont avec.
Pour en savoir plus sur RUNGPS cliquer sur le spoiler
Spoiler :
Qu’est-ce que Run.GPS ?
Le premier logiciel sérieux de sport pour PDA et Smarthone.
Run.GPS est l’outil parfait pour les sports comme la course à pied, le ski et la marche. Il utilise le Global Positioning System (GPS) pour enregistrer tous vos paramètres d’entraînement comme la vitesse, la distance et l’altitude.
Caractéristiques principales :
[*]Naviguer en terrain inconnu, aidé par la navigation avec waypoints et routes.
[*]Import direct de cartes depuis GPS-Sport, Google Earth et d’autres sources.
[*]Ecouter les informations de navigation et d’entrainement dans vos écouteurs pendant que vous écoutez de la musique.
[*]Créer des plans d’entraînement et les synchroniser avec le calendrier de Pocket Outlook.
Quels sports sont supportés ?
Basiquement tous les sports où vous pouvez emmener votre PDA ou Smartphone avec vous. Si vous ne pouvez pas le prendre vous pouvez quand même utiliser Run.GPS pour créer et gérer vos entraînements.
De quoi ai-je besoin?
Vous avez besoin d’un PDA ou d’un Smartphone avec un GPS intégré ou un GPS externe. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur la Page de téléchargement. Il est aussi possible d’utiliser une ceinture néoprène
Run.GPS 2.3.7b Build 2070 (07-Jul-2010)
* new sports icons
* separate version for Android 1.6 (Android market filters application though minSDK is set to 4) (Android version)
* support for Bluetooth heart rate monitor connectivity on all Android 2.0 and higher platforms (there have been Bluetooth connection problems on some platforms)
Spoiler :
Run.GPS 2.3.7 (25-Jun-2010)
* support for new routing types: mountain bike, racing bike and car (shortest route)
* fixed bug: misaligned training plans (Android version)
* changed OpenPisteMap access URL
* InstantTrailMap does not work on negative latitude / longitude - fixed
* pressing the "back" android key in text fields sometimes blank screen locks the application - fixed (Android version)
* fixed several minor bugs
Run.GPS 2.3.6e build 2015 for Windows Mobile (28-May-2010)
* less memory consumption (to avoid crashes when the display orientation is often switched - which normally uses a lot of memory because the bitmaps are newly created for each rotation)
* bug fixed: online maps are not displayed if the maximum number of concurrent maps is set to 1
* minor bug fixes
Run.GPS 2.3.6e build 2015 for Google Android (21-May-2010)
This release is only for Google Android!
* fixed problems with HTC Desire, HTC Legend and other HTC devices
o GPS is not used, not satellites are shown OK
+ changed location provder requirement
* Bluetooth heart rate monitor is not recognized OK
o changed access method
o improved re-initializing after app restart
o known problem on HTC Desire: after disconnecting the heart rate monitor, you cannot connect again (you have to restart the application
* Run.GPS ID is wrongly displayed ("|" instead of "J") OK
o changed text field layout
* app crashes
o crashes after screen rotation - solved (reduced memory footprint)
o some threads have not been shutdown - solved
* voice output OK
o thread does not run after app restart (incomplete shutdown) - solved
* line width sometimes to small (incorrect scaling) OK
* show hour glass when connecting / disconnecting heart rate monitor OK
* degrees symbol is not shown OK
o changed encoding
Run.GPS 2.3.6c build 1961 (02-Apr-2010)
* fixed bug in cadence calculation with Zephyr HxM heart rate sensor
* reduced main memory usage (to avoid problems with high resolution devices that do not have enough contiguous free memory for very large bitmaps)
Run.GPS 2.3.6 build 1956 (23-Mar-2010)
* bug fixed: application may crash when the GPS measured altitude because 0 m (= 0 ft = sea level)
Run.GPS 2.3.6 build 1952 (12-Mar-2010)
* add another GPS data filter to improve distance (and other values based on distance like average speed, average pace, average heart efficiencey, ...) calculation (the new GPS data filter is an incremental version of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm) (this specially concerns devices like the HTC Touch HD2 which provide noisy GPS data)
o better combination of GPS based distance measurement and accelerometer based distance measurement (using Zephyr HxM built-in accelerometer)
* new algorithm for speed calculation
o new option: use original speed value from GPS device instead of calculating speed with own algorithms (this is now default)
* improved display quality for all tile based maps (OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap, ...) (map tiles are not zoomed anymore in most cases)
* added new info display "altitude gain" = current altitude - start altitude
* added generic support for Bluetooth heart rate monitors (other than the Zepyhr HxM/HRM and the FRWD B100/B600)
* increase max downloadable map size from 15 km diameter to 30 km diameter
* avoid unwanted editing of info displays
* avoid GPS status messages being spoken too often (GPS status messages are now given only if the GPS status changes for at least 15 secs, not if there is only a very short lack of signal strength)
* moved smoothing buffer settings from "General Settings" to "GPS Settings"
* bug fixed: average power and average calorie consumption values are wrong (current values instead of average values) when a heart rate monitor is used
* in training info dialog, "delete" button is now put below "upload" button to make it less probable that the delete button is pressed on error
* bug fixed: application sometimes crashes on exit (Android)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.5 build 1916 (08-Feb-2010)
* fixed a problem on Touch HD2 which might lead to the application crashing when you try to enter a licence key
* if you have activated the setting "when device is locked > turn off screen completely" (Configuration > General Settings), the screen will now automatically power off about 15 seconds after you temporarily switched on the screen by pressing the Power button (you can press the "lock" symbol during that time to unlock the device)
* inserted new application icon (thanks Rouven!)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.5 build 1910 (29-Jan-2010)
* added support for .NET Compact Framework 3.7 (e.g. on HTC Touch HD2); on some devices a "InvalidProgramException" came up when starting the application; this error is due to a bug in the Microsoft C# compiler, see
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.5 build 1899 (25-Jan-2010)
* on Windows Mobile 6 Standard and Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone (concerns only devices without touch screen!), there has been a crash when trying to input text (e.g. online location search) - fixed
* fixed a problem on Android "Run.GPS Trainer Lite" version which may cause the application to crash when the start button is pushed
* a few minor improvements
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile and Google Android 2.3.5 (19-Jan-2010)
* additional data telemetry for live tracking
o Song
o Title
o Sport
o Remaining Time
o Remaining Distance
o Avg Heart Rate
o Avg Cadence
o Avg Heart Efficiency
o Active Duration
o Ascent
o Descent
o Calories
* extended live tracking functions on
* Bluetooth HRM support added (required Android 2.0 or higher)
* high resolution application icon (Windows Mobile)
* use OS specific software keyboard instead of the Run.GPS keyboard (Windows Mobile 5, 6, 6.5)
* fixed bug in diagram panel: when x-axis is set to 'distance' mode, distance is in miles and set to display ful range, the x-axis show wrong values
* fixed bug in heart rate monitor dialog: after disconnecting the HRM and closing the confirmation dialog, sometimes 3 buttons appear instead of 2
* add a big start/stop and split button that can be placed anywhere
* add support for reading and writing of large GPX files - avoid getting out of memory when loading/storing large GPX files (Android)
* speak abstract for nearby Wikipedia articles using Android 1.6 text-to-speech (Android)
* use Android text-to-speech engine for all speech output (Android)
o open dialog for installing TTS data if not installed yet (Android)
* added Italian voice output (Android)
* better support for the Android "Back" button (Back button should work in all dialogs) (Android)
* bug fixed: distance and remaining distance is not announced (text-to-speech) on some Android devices (Android)
* significantly reduce CPU load (Android)
* add support for MortPlayer 3.31b77 ( (Windows Mobile)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile and Google Android 2.3.4 Build 1790 (14-Nov-2009)
* support for heart rate variability analysis in Zephyr HxM/HRM driver
* new info displays for heart rate variability analysis:
o ø NN Interval: average duration (ms) of NN interval
o ø HRV: average heart rate variability (ms)
o SDNN: standard deviation for NN intervals
o pNN50: percentage of NN interval changes greater than 50 ms
o pNN100: percentage of NN interval changes greater than 100 ms
* export NN interval data as text file "hr-data.dat" (in training folder)
* Zephyr HxM heart rate monitor: improved auto-reconnect function (Windows Mobile)
* hide map tiles from Android Gallery (the folder "osm" is renamed to ".osm") (Android)
* OutOfMemoryError can ocurr when laoding map tiles > this is OK but must not result in crash (Android)
* scrolling panes responsiveness: show UI reaction as soon as the user holds down the finger on one element (Android)
* fixed upload to (Windows Mobile)
* when downloading routes from Download Cart, avoid language specific characters getting lost (e.g. German Umlaute)
* faster voice output (Android)
* smaller installation size 7.8 >> 5.7 MB (Android)
* add a wizard for registration at
* training time is displayed with an offset of x hours in some time zones - fixed (Android)
* sports can not be permanently deleted - fixed (Windows Mobile)
* don't repeat navigation voice messages
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile and Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1661 (10-Oct-2009)
* Android and Windows device types are identified when uploading trainings to; the device type is displayed on the training page
* bug fixes and minor improvements
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.3 Build 1621 (16-Sep-2009)
* fixed bug in the Windows Mobile version: several settings (vibration, GPS, ...) did not get saved
Run.GPS 2.3.3 (Google Android and Windows Mobile) (15-Sep-2009)
* added "navigate to route starting point" feature
* added plus and minus buttons for easier zooming in and out
* added 6 new info buttons: slope, min slope, max slope, ascent rate, max ascent rate, min ascent rate OK
* improved keyboard layout and added "Cancel" button
* when searching for the same place more than one time, old results are used instead of retrieving new results from the server
* bug: when exporting a training in big format, no altitude data appears (data and diagram)
* add new sports: fitness-training, ball-playing
* new language: Swedish
* if user.xml or configuration.xml is corrupted (file size zero) - remove
* KML files: support for MultiGeometry tag
* support for G-Sensor distance and speed
* Live Tracking: also send and display training distance, training duration, current speed, current heart rate, current cadence and altitude
* bug: virtual training partner does not move on map although distances etc. are displayed correctly
* fixed problem with coordinate parsing
* some minor bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1615 (11-Sep-2009)
* faster voice output
* checks and deletes corrupted configuration files (files may get corrupted if the sd card is full)
* bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1605 (08-Sep-2009)
* added navigate to route start feature
* bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1601 (04-Sep-2009)
* added Instant Trail Mapping support (automatically builds a map layer from all of your tracks)
* some bug fixes
Run.GPS for Google Android 2.3.3 Build 1598 (01-Sep-2009)
* first publicly available version for Android
* bigger buttons for use with capacitive touch screens
* has already all functions of the Windows build except the following:
o Intstant Trail Mapping will be added later
o no support for .msi, .gpx, .kmz map calibration files yet, but online map layers can be added through the "maps.xml" file (see manual and forum for more information)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.2 Build 1532 (14-May-2009)
* fixed OSM upload
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.2 Build 1520 (15-Apr-2009)
* application may hang when it is closed (if an upload process has been cancelled before)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.2 (9-Apr-2009)
* added configurable "lead directly back to route" navigation - leads you directly back to your route only if a configurable distance is exceeded
* added the Italian language
* auto-reconnect function for FRWD B100/B600
* added direct download button for online maps (Main Menu > Configuration > Map Settings > Items on Map)
* fixed problem of zoom bar getting displayed to small on *some* high resolution devices
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.1 (13-Mar-2009)
* vibrate the device when user is off route, current interval is switched, heart rate/speed limits are exceeded or GPS signal is weak- add a new map layer showing nearby users (or optionally only live users or only friends)
* provide direct access to the redacted tours on (Main Menu > Online Services > Find Routes) (mostly for Germany)
* automatically switch on backlight when getting close to a turn or when a placemark information window pops up
* make it possible to stop/cancel any uploading or downloading process
* added Russian, Czech, Hebrew and Dutch translations (thank you Ella, Jan, Arie and Guus for translating)
* added new sports cross-country-skiing, mushing, sledding and snowshoeing
* provide an interface to use the Live Tracking feature with
* restructure the "Map Items" dialog in a more logical way
* make buttons '1' and '2' switch to the next/previous screen instead of switching to 'Recorder' and 'Map'
* support for Windows CE (requires a CE device with .NET Compact Framework installed and support for alpha blending (i.e. transparency))
* restore last used zoom level when application is started
* provide extra setting to keep the backlight turned on (Main Menu > Configuration > General Settings > Keep backlight always turned on; this setting is useful for owners of Smartphones without touchscreen who cannot handle the button on the main screen)
* trainingplan activities: translate sports
* package all languages in one installation file (DE, EN, FR, ES with voice output, CZ, RU, HE, NL without)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.0 build 1376 (13-Jan-2009)
* better map zooming for Smartphones (without touch screen)
* fixed a bug which may result in application crash (when trying to open reports in an unsupported web browser; when removing info popups on a map while a new info popup is opened)
* improved calculation of ascent and descent
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.3.0 (01-Jan-2009)
* support for Bluetooth heart rate monitors
* optional dialog for selecting sport when application is started (Main Menu > Configuration > General Settings > When application is started > Select Sport)
* make it possible to upload indoor activities (recording only heart rate and cadence, but no distances and speeds, without GPS connected)
* integration of additional sensor data: heart rate, cadence, temperature, air pressure
* new diagrams: heart rate diagram, pace diagram, cadence diagram, temperature diagram, DOP diagram
* show info popups directly on map when getting close to a placemark or when clicking on a placemark
* add zoom slider to maps
* add Bluetooth drivers for Zephyr HRM/HxM and FRWD B100 devices
* add master switch for interval training
* interval training: make it possible to select interval length in 10 seconds increments
* do NOT store speaker volume and do NOT set it to the stored value when application starts (just keep the current volume setting on the device from now on - volume can be changed in Main Menu > Voice Output)
* make cursor better visible for high resolutions
* add "reverse route" to dialog "select for navigation or delete"
* diagrams: add horizontal bars for average value (speed, pace, cadence, heart rate, temperature) and interval min/max limits (speed, pace, heart rate)
* add ability to completely lock hardware keys (if you use this function, you cannot at the same time use the center key for starting/stopping the training session; on a Touch HD this locks all keys except the Power key and the Home key)
* add remote control for MortPlayer (start/pause/frwd/back) (download Mortplayer freeware from
* scale all icons on map on high resolution devices
* bug fixed: when switching from Navigator to Map screen, map tiles are often displaced
* uploading of placemarks from Run.GPS to portal website
* when user starts a training session from a planned activity, set min and max heart rate for the new training from the planned activity
* add color pink for tracks and routes (requested by Bosti)
* many improvements for high resolution devices
* bug fixed: training log does not show correct max heart rates for planned activities (thanks engee974 for reporting)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.8 (01-Nov-2008)
* added online route planning capability (based on OpenStreetMap maps and the Gosmore router), let's you choose between foot, bike and motorized navigation mode (see chapter "4.8.2. Online Navigation" in the manual)
* online place search makes it possible to move the map to any spot on the globe (see chapter "6.9 Online Place Search" in the manual)
* support for additional map layers that can be configured in the "maps.xml" file (see for map specifications and chapter "5.4.Adding More Online Map Layers" in the manual)
* do not change select fields while scrolling (e.g. General Settings dialog)
* give warning every minute if the GPS signal remains to weak to record
* distinguish between "GPS signal weak" and "GPS signal TOO weak" ("too weak" means that nothing is recorded)
* done some minor bug fixes
Some screenshots for the 2.2.8 release can be found here
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.7 build 1248 (13-Oct-2008)
* program needs so much free memory on startup that it won't start on some devices and a message saying "OutOfMemoryException" appears - decreased required amount of free memory
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.7 (08-Oct-2008)
* new off-route navigation mode: leads you directly back to the route and will tell you to turn left or right when you arrive back at your route
* avoid misleading turning instructions when returning to a route that has been lost before
* "tourist feature": add new info display that shows the nearest Wikipedia article (title and abstract); clicking the title opens a browser window with the full article
* interval training by distance (instead of time)
* make it possible to configure the colors of the track, Instant Trail Map and route (Map Settings > Items on Map)
* make required DOP (dilution of precision) and minimum pause time configurable (GPS Settings)
* optionally save (remember) Live Tracking settings (check "save setting" in Online Services > Live Tracking); if you use this option, Live Tracking will start when Run.GPS is started
* make it possible to start new trainings directly from training plan items (title, sport and description are automatically set in the training, average speed is used for speed warnings and selected route is loaded)
* redesign control bar with bigger buttons to make it easier to use Run.GPS on small screen high resolution devices such as the HTC Diamond
* add possibility to change sport directly from control bar
* move scrollable panes with finger slides in addition to using up/down buttons
* open web pages in system default browser (reports and help pages are still opened in Internet Explorer because some browsers, e.g. Opera Mini, are not able to open pages from the file system)
* bug fixed: distances are doubled when loading a training multiple times from the training log
* when voice output is configured for a certain distance (e.g. every kilometer), begin speech output at exact distance
* count less calories for mountainbiking (calorie count for mountainbiking has been too high)
* allow fractions of kilograms when entering user weight
* avoid zoom buttons getting stuck when a big training session is loaded (you always got into the "layout" menu by error if you press the zoom buttoms)
* improved support for WVGA (480x800) resolution (Samsung SGH-i900 Omnia, Sony Ericsson Xperia X1)
* routes assigned to a training plan entry on can now also be edited on Run.GPS
* keep cursor centered while moving map
Some screenshots for the 2.2.7 release can be found here
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 build 1171 08/11/2008
* bug fixed: when there is an active training plan and there are weeks with no activities, the training log dialog may crash (thank you Markus for the detailed report)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 build 1170 08/07/2008
* restructured "Training Log & Plan" for easier use
* more exact distance calculation for training recordings with sharp curves (had been rounded off in earlier versions)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 build 1164 07/31/2008
* added possibility to display full altitude diagram of the way lying ahead
* concerns HTC Diamond = O2 Diamond = MDA Compact IV only: when switching to COM4 at 19200 baud (recommended, because no altitude is obtained when using "Windows managed GPS"), the application does not connect GPS at startup - problem is now fixed
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.6 07/18/2008
* fully user configurable screens
o 18 different screen layouts (each adapted for portrait, square and landscape screens)
o change any element on any screen (67 different displays available) - hold the stylus pressed for 2 seconds on any element to change screen and info display settings
o screen names can be changed
* add interval timers with
o speed warnings
o interval voice output
o loading and storing interval configurations
o additional info buttons for interval number, interval duration, remaining interval time, interval max speed, interval min speed
* add mini diagram and mini map info buttons
* add possibility to force reloading of OpenStreetMap/CycleMap/OpenPisteMap map tiles (dialog Online Services > Download OpenStreetMap)
* make synchronization individual for the three supported portals (,,
* add new info display for displaying the distance to the "virtual training partner" (competing against a previous training recording or a downloaded route)
* display "virtual training partner" on map
* turn off screen completely (instead of setting back light to lowest level) when application is locked (new option in General Settings)
* add ability to lock/unlock by holding either the right soft (function) key or the down key for 3 seconds
* add 0.25 mi/km and 0.5 mi/km voice output
* sync training recordings only max three months back
* picture search: do not search "\Network" directory (new in Windows Mobile 6.1 - network volumes are mounted here)
* faster route display (routes with more than 500 points caused serious performance problems in previous releases)
* write backup of track data (.GPB) if auto-repair function is used on corrupted data
* add ability to delete routes
* and GPSies route finder: find only exactly matching routes , support more sports on
* reading .gmi files for map calibration: added support for latest version
* use a lock file to detect when application crashed and recover the meta-information for the crashed training
* add 15 and 30 min interval for live tracking
* bug fix: "distance from route" is calculated correctly only for distances < 25 km > add an algorithm for greater distances
* bug fix: avoid training being stopped when OK button is pressed
* bug fix: when you load OpenStreetMap tiles that are far away (> 50 km) from your current location, the maps are loaded in the wrong place
* bug fix: application crashes when right function key is pressed in a text menu dialog that has no right function button
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.5 build 1055 06/14/2008
* remember the screen that was last used on application startup
* bug fixed: if you push buttons very fast both screen content and dialog may appear "mixed up"
* bug fixed: the unregistered version might start with an "Argument Exception" and terminate
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.5 build 1028 06/10/2008
* faster menus
* fast map moving with stylus or keys
* remember last GPS position on startup
* bug fixed: sometimes a diagonal line appeared in track display
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.5 06/06/2008
* more detailed routing instructions (e.g. "turn slight left" or "turn sharp right"
* combined routing instructions (e.g. "after 100 m turn right then turn slight left")
* 35% faster voice output
* removed gaps between map tiles from OpenStreetMap layer
* no search for photos or videos in "Application Data" dir (Opera cache is located here)
* new map focus mode: focus map on a friend
* automatic track-repair in case of corrupt track data (after battery failure or similar incident)
* stricter timing for voice output
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.4 05/24/2008
* support for Cycle Map, licenced by Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
* support for OpenPisteMap, licenced by Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic
* display online placemarks on the map: displays mountains, cities, hotels, parks, ... directly on the map screen (automatically reloaded when the map is refreshed); activate in "Map Settings > Items on Map"
* extra zoom buttons for detail level, medium level and overview level
* faster zoom (no more pauses)
* if there are multiple placemarks in one spot, you can now access all by double-clicking again
* bug fix: diagrams are empty when a training report is created from the training log book
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.3 build 985 05/15/2008
* automatically refresh Wikipedia placemarks (activate in "Map Settings > Items on Map")
* added robustness: if a training recording has no start event, it is added automatically when the training is loaded or exported (thanks Arno for the problem report)
* bug fix: application crashes if no password has been entered and you download articles from Wikipedia (no password required for that)
* bug fix: in build 977 automatic OpenStreetMap download was always active when the OpenStreetMap layer was activated
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.3 05/09/2008
* online Wikipedia article finder (displays articles for objects near your current location)
* adjustable altitude smoothing buffer
* background OpenStreetMap download (map is not blocked while downloading OSM tiles)
* access placemarks and track positions on map with double-click
* bug fixed: when temporary placemarks are loaded (user placemarks or Wikipedia placemarks), the placemarks list does not refer to the correct items
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.2 build 966 04/25/2008
* bug fixed: start time is wrong when training is not started directly after starting Run.GPS and the GPS device already has valid signal
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.2 04/23/2008
* add OpenStreetMap upload capabilities
* individual user settings for and
* output more specific error messages when connection problems occur
* support for Windows Media Video (WMV) portal upload
* full French and Spanish support
* fixed a problem for square screen smartphones in dialog "Reports"
* add DD°MM.MM' latitude and longitude output format
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.1 build 939 04/08/2008
* allow DD°MM.MM' format when entering latitudes and longitudes
* swap battery display and lock button
* remove "load" and "delete" buttons in training log for currently loaded training
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.1 build 935 04/03/2008
* allow entering calories when a training is added manually
* make it possible to edit manual trainings
* display calories in training log detail page and training detail page on GPS-Sport portal
* added new sport "golfing"
* application is blocked while training summary is spoken when the training is stopped - fixed
* some minor bug fixes
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.2.0 build 920 03/28/2008
* display altitude profile for the route ahead (until now only altitude profiles of the already covered part of a route have been displayed - done
* make it possible to create training plans on and sync them online to Run.GPS (or import as .tml file) - done
* make it possible to download training plans via Download Cart - done
* update sports list, add new sports - done
o see discussion
o add calories calculation for new sports
o create icons for new sports
* display tracks and routes with bright aura to separate from the background - done
* add new lap detection mode: automatically create new laps after a given distance is covered - done
* draw little arrows on route to indicate direction - done
* add new placemark types - done
* when sending the current position, also send the time zone (or client time) to - done
* when a new lap is started (automatic lap detection or button is pressed), speak the lap time of the completed lap - done
* when application is locked and the backlight is turned off - turn on backlight for 5 seconds by pressing the right function key - done
* more exact geo-localization when uploading or sending a live tracking request - done
* when downloading routes from portal, also download and import altitude data - done
* import altitudes from GPX and KML route files - done
* translate sports names in the training log - done
* translate sports names in Pocket Outlook synchronization - done
* give a spoken summary when the user stops a training recording (configurable in voice dialog) - done
* add new distance values for voice output frequency: 10 km/mi, 20 km/mi - done
* if there are no training plans stored on a device yet, application crashes when user presses OK in the dialog for loading a training plan - fixed (thanks Krille for the bug report)
* if no placemarks are defined, application crashes when user presses "Navigate" in the dialog for selecting a placemark for navigation - fixed (thanks Krille for the bug report)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.2 build 809 03/10/2008
* distribute the buttons in the control bar more equally so it's easier to push them with by finger
* don't allow manual trainings to be loaded, edited and continued
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.2 build 808 03/06/2008
* center key may be active when application is not focused (i.e. you start or stop your training when pushing the center key in another program) - fixed
* main menu: when navigating to a page with only two buttons, one of them could not be reached - fixed
* active time calculation is wrong both for total time and lap time, when you stop training recording, keep on moving around and then start to record again - fixed (thanks for this one and other bug reports)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.2 build 803 02/06/2008
* audio and video upload capability (supported file types: WAV, MP3, MP4, MOV, MPEG, AVI, 3GP)
* download cart based download of recorded trainings as 'Virtual Training Partner'
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.1 build 790 01/30/2008
* bug fixed: when entering manual training distances in miles, perform correct conversion to kilometres
* entering manual trainings: make it possible to enter seconds (00:00:00)
* added French voice engine (not yet available for download)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.1 build 785 01/24/2008
* when using the COM port interface, allow using .Net COM port driver or native COM port driver (default) (Configuration > GPS Settings > use .Net COM port)
* sort sports in German language sports dialog
* when a sport is deleted and re-entered afterwards, assign correct English language code for upload
* default OpenStreetMap auto download to disabled
* play warning sound when route is left, battery is weak or GPS signal is lost
* distance from destination calculated incorrectly in prior version when following a moving target - fixed
* open a downloaded route as navigation route if and only if exactly one route has been downloaded from the portal
* provide german sports names
* use route titles as training titles if no training title has been specified
* added support for T-Mobile MDA Compact III (HTC P3300) running Windows Mobile 6 (set GPS to COM4, 4800 baud on this device); is not relevant for MDA Compact III running Windows Mobile 5 and not relevant for Xda Orbit (on these devices, use 'managed GPS')
* bug: deleting sports results in the remaining sports not to be shown completely - fixed
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.0 build 761 01/15/2008
* set GPS signal to 'no fix' when there is no new GPS data for more than 10 seconds (might happen when you shut down another application and the GPS stops working)
* improved training synchronization (upload again if a training has changed)
* filter out single GPS coordinate errors
* when synchronizing training sessions to the portal, a problem sometimes occurs while creating the upload archive for the currently active training session - fixed
* don't display navigation target as flag if placemark type is known
* update target placemark correctly in map view when target is dynamic ('friend')
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.1.0 01/04/2008
* online service for finding friends (people in your friends list on
* online service for finding nearby tracks and routes on and
* "synchronize" button that uploads all trainings not previously uploaded
* reset speaker volume to original level after program exit
* online update possibility
* faster GPS signal acquisition for some devices
* bug fixes and minor updates
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.7 12/12/2007 build 720
* map view: faster zooming
* map view: more zoom levels
* better support for square screen devices
* minor bug fixes
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.7 11/30/2007
* added OpenStreetMap map layer (note: this might not always be available or not be available at all in the future due to technical or licence restrictions)
* default to the storage card for storing Run.GPS data (concerns only new installations)
* fixed a problem with the voice output stopping under certain circumstances
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.6 11/27/2007 build 704
* added support for Samsung SGH-i616 / SGH-i617 BlackJack II (former builds haven't been able to deal with the GPS because the Dilution value was always too high)
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.6 11/19/2007 build 701
* added "virtual training partner", allowing you to race against your previous training recordings and to others' training sessions; lead time is both displayed and spoken (see the manual 2.0.6 section 3.14 for more details)
* some minor bug fixes and improvements
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.5 10/30/2007 build 687
* bug fix: route data can be corrupted when downloading the same route several times using the cart download
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.5 10/12/2007 build 679
* fixed a problem with some GPS devices not displaying speed and distance although the GPS is valid
* added support for Smartphone QWERTY / QWERTZ keyboards (has to be activated on configuration > general settings dialog)
* added support for map calibration using GPX path files (see manual for more info)
* added calculation and display of "estimated training duration"
* added voice output for "estimated training duration" and "estimated arrival time"
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.4 10/09/2007
* added "remaining time" display and voice output
* added "arrival time" display
* word "remaining" was missing in English version ("remaining time", "remaining distance")
* fixed a typo
Run.GPS for Windows Mobile 2.0.3 09/28/2007
* added direct upload to
* GPX format: fixed a bug that caused timestamps to be empty; added speeds
2.0.2 09/18/2007
* provide extra setting (configuration >> general settings) to turn off backlight when application is locked (helps save energy) (WM5 and WM6)
* allow empty info displays
* sort info buttons by topic
* minimize application when OK button is pressed
* display hourglass when starting/stopping/saving trainings
2.0.1 08/28/2007
* fixed a bug in ITM which caused artefacts in the maps
* disable function key input when the application is not focussed
2.0.0 08/24/2007 RELEASE
* added enhanced "full route" map mode: both a loaded route and the training track are now displayed fully
* fixed Stack Overflow bug that occurs when trial period is over and no licence key is available (as reported by Jochen)
* fixed voice output loop "distance from route" which occurred when distance based voice frequency is selected (reported by Theo)
1.9.7 08/21/2007
* added crosshair for selecting any spot on the map as navigation target and for creating placemarks
* various bugs fixed
1.9.6 build 525 08/18/2007
* when application is in locked mode and the focus is lost, disable lock down mode (otherwise the device cannot be controlled any more and has to be reset)
1.9.6 08/17/2007
* lock all application keys (calendar key, home key, etc) when the application is locked (except the two phone keys - they cannot be locked)
* soft keyboard: highlight keys when they are pressed
* fix map activation issue (map is not activated automatically in some cases)
* when a new licence code is entered, adapt licence level without restarting
* fixed: soft keyboard smartphone character much too big on VGA resolution
* fix overlapping of title and values in info buttons on "training data" screen on some devices
* added quick reference
* directly load main screen after showing startup screen
* some minor bug fixes
1.9.5 08/13/2007
* bugs in the VGA version are fixed
1.9.4 08/09/2007
* new icon
* avoid png files being copied to root dir
* added support for Map Calibrator maps
* bug fixes
1.9.3 08/06/2007
* added GPS recognition
* added Run.GPS 1.2.8 data import
* bug fixes
1.9.2 08/03/2007
* bugs fixed
1.9.1 07/31/2007
* key support: all functions available also for Smartphones without stylus
* many bug fixes
1.9.0 07/27/2007
* first public beta (based on the 1.x release but completely reengineered)
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La Notice de Run.Gps
Puis je utiliser les cartes Offline ? Que mettre comme ceinture cardio bluetooth ? Problèmes avec les GPX ? Comment paramétrer l'antenne GPS ? Quelques réponses à ces questions ICI
Aussi disponible dans la Sinon, uploadez le !
EDIT LUDO12: Présentation refaite avec la fiche de la charte HTC DEV (le 28 mars 2010), mise à jour de la fiche le 09 Aout 2010