1. -camera: Disable focus while controls in use 2. -camera: Fix is720p() stupidity 3. -openssl: Make usage of engine support optional 4. -mms:Allow Messaging's ComposeActivity to be started by Search Long Press 5. -Deskclock:Added the ability for alarm to go off indefinitely. 6. -Revert "skia: use S32A_Blend_BlitRow32_PROC on arm7/neon only 7. -Fix a bug in S32A_Blend_BlitRow32 8. -Enable haptic feedback on long-press of snooze button 9. -Music: Add onDestroy function to release Jni Object reference
* Removed Titanium Backup and Rom Manager from /system/app (are in /data/app already)
Bonsoir à tous!! je suis en 5.2 par defrost setup et lorsque je choisis une photo de ma "gallery" comme fond d'écran il me met à la place de la pelouse...
Même pas la pelouse qui bouge sous le ciel bleu des fonds d'écran animés juste de la pelouse... quelqu'un a une idée?? est ce possible de mettre une photo directement dans le dossier des fonds d'écran par défaut?
merci bcp
PS: j'ai galérer pour la restauration et il y a bcp de paramétres qui ont sauté!! j'ai fait toutes les mises à jour depuis la 0.9 et j'ai pas eu de problème jusque là )
* FM: Updated drawables from fitsnugly * Frameworks/base: Add rendering statistics to Stagefright * Filemanager: Fixing some layout pet peeves on the top bar * FM: Add "about" that links to MIUI * FM: New art from HaXzAmaTiC * Deskclock: Set default behaviour of volume up/down and camera buttons to 'None' * libstagefrighthw: Release the pmem reference and destroy overlay when destructor is called * Gallery3D: Fix the picture caching system. Generate 2 files for cache: screennail and hires. * immediately update the battery icon when BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_STATUS_ICON changes
salut , quelqu'un sait comment activer adblock ? j'ai une erreur avec adfree je sait pas comment résoudre ce problème toutes les suggestion sont les bienvenues merci, je précise que je suis en 5.3a
* frameworks_base/froyo - Increase javax.obex performance * Fix RTL support, specifically fixes the combination of RTL text with numbers and LTR text * Fix time zone info in kernel is nothing after reboot * Corrected visibility reporting error in WindowManager * Wait for IDLE state before mounting on insert... * Change PhoneNumberUtils MIN_MATCH to match 6 digits.. * BatteryService: Set bool to true if sysfs entry is not 0 * camera: Fix backup agent name. * Gallery3D: Synchronize access to mItems in MediaFeed * Gallery3D: Use date_modified timestamp in thumbnail cache records * Mms: Move cursor close code from onDestroy to onStop * Mms: Fix to solve cannot resume audio playback issue * Mms: Handle empty sender address * MMS: Fix IndexOutOfBounds exception when viewing a slide show * Gallery3D: Add filesize, picture dimensions and camera to detail * Gallery3D: add menu for connecting to rtsp or http stream * Fix application forced close when http connection is redirected to https * Error in compound cache-control header. * Wrong Airplane mode translation for ES_es. * Fixes the size of texts in the power dialog * Cursor leak in share_link_context_menu * Lots of other fixes
WiFi modules posted:
* WiFi N-mode module * WiFi PM_FAST data streaming/VOIP in standby module
* CyanogenMod fixes: - Fix dBm signal icon. Was showing bars when enabled, and not showing them when disabled. - Only modify the view of the bar, if we want to. - Fix error with Arrays caused by new users to the setup. - Fix Notifications so you can't try and test a color if it's set to none - ADB Logcat colored output. - FileManager: More new art from Fitsnugly - Enable lockscreen music controls by default - Increase number of max SMS per hour (Issue 2294) - Revert "Change PhoneNumberUtils MIN_MATCH to match 6 digits
Kernel changes:
* Sync values with pershoot * ARM: msm: Fix CONFIG_VIRTUAL_KPANIC_PARTITION warning * increase IDLE_TIMEOUT within kgsl_yamato_idle (kgsl_yamato.c) * cm-kernel: correction in cpuset.c * yaffs: Import yaffs from Thu Oct 7 10:05:05 2010 +1300 * Revert "yaffs: sync with yaffs repo" * Revert "yaffs: Cache object xattrib state." * l2tp_eth: Fix section mismatch warning
* CyanogenMod fixes: - Music: Eliminate wakeup events for sc... - Music app: Fix for the issue of playback cursor stopping one ... - system: init: Fail early when missing firmware.. - Fix USB endianness bugs on Linux... - adb: Improved detection of big endian architecture... - Camera- check to verify if sdcard is writeable.. - VideoCamera: Update Storage status while starting the Camc.. - camera: Fix touch-focus location issues... - Set app kill longpress back threshold to 5 seconds - jni: Remove duplicated jniThrowException(). - Revert "Fix for truncated texts in power dialog" - Fix FastScroller overlay position bug.. - ADWLauncher: Set default screen cache to auto... - FM: Fixed Headset remove preference summary to use the correct resource. - Add flashlight button for devices with a LED and Sleep Button...