Hi all,

First, welcome on our forum, we are really pleased that you decided to come on HTC-DEV.net !

However, it's a FRENCH talking forum only, which means that you have to speak french. It's not the first time that we have a stranger on this forum, and last time we had this case, I purpose an idea, to make it ok with our rules.

You have to use google translator (or any other translator), and you translate your post in french. I know that traductor aren't always perfect, so I purpose you to always add in a spoiler the original post in english, like that if we have a comprehension problem, we can check it in the spoiler.

Here is an exemple :

Salut à tous, je suis apus (Stefano), je suis italien et je vous demande désolé si je vais écrire en anglais, mais le reste je comprends que je Françaises ne pas l'écrire .....
Je sais que votre comunauté trougth l'excellent travail fait sur Zepiii xda.
Je suis un fan htc, pour le moment j'ai quatre dispositifs.

Je suis heureux d'être ici!
Merci: D

Original Post in english :

To make a spoiler, simply do like this :


[spoiler]YOUR ORIGINAL POST HERE[/spoiler]

Thank you for your comprehension,

The generationmobiles.net Staff !