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description[ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM Empty[ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM

HR8 MoDaCo Custom ROM


MoDaCo Custom ROMs are based on official ROMs - either shipping or leaked. A MCR release is designed to feel as far as possible like a stock ROM, with optimisations, tweaks and complimentary additions that enhance the user experience. The aim of a MCR is to be ultra reliable for use on an everyday device.


In order to use this ROM you must have ClockworkMod Recovery installed - see my ClockworkMod Beta post for details.

Features Included (many optional via the Online Kitchen)

Based on the UK update (Android) 3.1
MoDaCo Custom Kernel r2 - patched to the latest release with performance tweaks and TUN / CIFS modules
Rebuilt, compressed and optimised with the MCR build system - routinely clocking over 3000 in Quadrant!
Insecure ADB (support for 'adb remount' etc.)
Optimised mounts and other settings
Busybox installed
Rooted with Superuser installed
Includes 'custom blob' for insecure boot and custom recovery (
updated Google components
Spare Parts from Android 3.1 SDK

Images & Vidéos

[ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM Stockstyletf1 [ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM Stockstyletf3

Derniers Changements

20 Juillet Hr8

Now includes MoDaCo Custom Kernel (mck) r2 - based on the new kernel release with various tweaks and improvements
TUN and CIFS modules included
Blob updated to include ClockworkMod (conventional style - using external sd, backing up / wiping internal media)
Updated Google Maps
Updated Google Music

Spoiler :



Autres Infos


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Mise en fiche automatique via le script HTC-DEV

Dernière édition par Zack le Lun 1 Aoû 2011 - 9:36, édité 1 fois

description[ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM EmptyRe: [ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM

Merci pour le partage Wink

description[ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM EmptyRe: [ROM/HC 3.1] HR8 MODACO Custom ROM

La maj du 20/07 est encore en alors que la était officiellement sortie depuis le 16 .... pas très à jour comme rom.

Mais merci du partage Zack Very Happy
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