Cette application permet d'ouvrir n'importe quelle application avec un simple geste de la main (1 slide, 2 slides ou survoler) via les capteurs de proximité. Elle permet également de gérer voter lecteur de musique et de vidéo avec l'écran éteint : Lecture, Pause, Suivant, Précédent. C'est pas tout, vous pouvez aussi couper l'alarme, la sonnerie avec un simple balayage de la main.
Il y a 2 modes : "target mode" (1 geste pour une application) et "carousel mode" où vous pouvez définir une liste d'applications.
Derniers changements
v1.3.1 -Fix auto answer call for some devices. - Fix bug that answer a call after a few seconds when silencing it. - Fix some FC when answering calls and other FC. - Option to choose a video player for the music/video player controls, fixing a bug that music start playing when trying to pause a video. - Tried to add Spotify support, pleas report if it works, i couldnt really test it. - Test sensor section changed to Sensor options, You can change alternate sensor delay time and set it to use for real use. - More fixes i dont remember v1.2.9 - Music Controls fully implemented, read instructions in description. - Unlock lockscreen for NON ROOT!! - Fix a FC when answering a call. - Other tweaks. v1.2.8 - Cleaned code for less ram usage and faster execution. - Changed root code: root options should work better. - Samsung Alarms now mute on wave, bugged in last version. - Test Sensor own service now stops properly when exiting. - HTC Sense added for gallery slides. - Contacts and Telephone apps now opens as diferent apps (should work for others too). - More fixes to events behaviours v1.2.7 - Again, Fixed QuickPic gallery slides. - Added slides compatibility with F-Stop Image Gallery. - Fixed Stock Camera not pausing events if you set to not use while in camera mode. - Other fixes. v1.2.6 - Hover Hold with alternate sensor detector fixed. Sorry. - Fix QuickPick gallery slide v1.2.5 - Permissions added to fix some FC (bluetooth for answer calls and read contacts to check missed calls) - Added option to stop detecting when screen is off. - Added option to switch on/off vibration with events. - Adjusted browser scroll (firefox not suported yet) and gallery slider (now works with quickpick) - Start at boot now works as it should be. v1.2.4 - QuickGlance now works propperly!! - Now you can answer calls without root, just put your phone in your ear. - Fixed more force close errors. - Shake to reject added but dissabled because it needs a permission that shows up as "Service that cost you money" and users dont like this kind of permissions and i dont like them too. v1.2.3 - Fixed a Force Close when unlocking screen with waves after showing quickglance - Adjusted QuickGlance so it should not show lockscreen. - You can now adjust Shake sensitiviy in Test Sensors screen - Other code fixes. v1.2.2 - Slides will not open any app in background when lockscreen is shown - Deleted Hanging up phone calls with Hover Hold, just to answer (root) - Shake your phone to switch speakerphone on/off - Hovering Control will not react to events while in a camera app. - Hover Hold autoshot desactivated until new updates. v 1.2.0 - lots of features. v1.1.3 - Alternative detector is now available for use, just choose it in setting screen. - Setting screen is now on with only one setting xD more to come. - You can now select your launcher as an app to open (usefull for fast home button) not available with carousel. - You can now select Previous app (not for carousel) this will open your previous oppened app, if not available will open second, if not, nothing happens. v1.1.2: -Changed UI to be easier to understand. -A spinner with your carrousel apps is now shown in the main screen. -Added compatibility with 2.2 and up! v1.1.1 - In Test Sensor section added new option to change the type of the detector, activate it if the app is not detecting you propperly. Only available in test sensor section, not available for use yet. v1.1 -Added "test sensor" options in menu, this way you can check your hand slides and find they way it works for your sensor.
Known issues: - Music controls sometimes fails to work..musc player can became a little crazy. - Nexus 7 has no proximity sensor...app not working.
Hovering Controls XDA1.3.5.apk
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Dernière édition par Primokorn le Lun 9 Sep 2013 - 17:08, édité 6 fois
Non... Je crains une chute de la batterie car les capteurs sont tout le temps interrogés. J'avais testé une appli dans ce style qui utilisait les capteurs pour garder l'écran allumé mais je l'ai vite désinstallé à cause de son côté "énergivore"... Mais ça veut rien dire pour celle là
Salut tout le monde, je viens tout juste de tester cet application : Donc impressions ça fonctionne bien, ça fait ce que tu demandes, pour la musique j'admet que c'est génial (style que tu es occupé à taper sur ton pc et que tu veuilles passer à la musique suivante). Par contre c'est vrai que c'est un "énergivore" (citation de primokorn). Il faut aussi prendre le temps de passer ta main devant le capteur sinon c'est "try again"....
Plus une application a séduit sur XDA en .apk, plus il y a de chance qu'elle devienne payante sur Google Play... Celle-ci n'est pas la première malheureusement.