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description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] Empty[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]




Le Moto X fait beaucoup parler de lui en ce moment, notamment avec son application Appareil photo moderne mais pas que...
On parle aussi beaucoup de sa fonction "Active Display". Active Display, c'est ça :

[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] Active-display-moto-x

Du coup, niko001, un membre du forum XDA, a transformé cette idée en application Android générale. Notez cependant qu'il vous faut une ROM basée Android 4.3 au minimum donc pour certains, va falloir attendre un petit moment... smile  Notez cependant que si l'application rencontre un beau succès alors niko001 la rendra compatible pour les versions antérieures.

Si vous avez été déçu d'apprendre que le Moto X n'est pas destiné au marché européen et si cette fonctionnalité vous tente, alors lisez ce qui suit.

Cette application utilise le nouveau service baptisé "Notification Listener" de Android 4.3 et a un très faible impact sur l'autonomie de la batterie car les pixels noirs utilisés ne sont pas allumés. Very Happy
Mais ce n'est pas tout, vous aurez aussi des fonctionnalités supplémentaires : le téléphone ne s'allume pas quand il est dans votre poche ou sac à main ou retourné sur une table).


[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] ApkActiveNotifications2.1.apk

[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] Attachment
Scannez ou cliquez le QRCode pour télécharger l'appli



Update (v1.2): I've released a beta-version (v1.2beta) through this Google+ Community (and have attached the same .apk to this post). Please let me know if you're running into any issues while using the beta, I will make it available as a public update soon. [Changelog]

Update (v1.3beta): Version 1.3beta is now live in the Google+ Community (and attached here). It implements multiple notifications (displayed as small icons below the "main" notification). Please let me know if something doesn't work.

Update (v1.3): I have just pushed version 1.3 to the Play Store (and attached it here), so everyone (not only beta-participants) should receive it soon. If you run into any issues, please email supp.. @greatbytes.org

Update (v1.4alpha): I've just release the very first alpha version of DynamicNotifications that is compatible with Android versions >4.1.2. There are still many bugs to fix, so please don't be disappointed if it doesn't work on your device straight away. Please join this Google+ Community and opt-in to receive the alpha version via this link afterwards. It may take a few hours for the update to be visible in Google Play. You don't need to update if you're on Android 4.3, the only change in this version is 4.1.2+ compatibility. I'm going to bed now, it's 3am over here and I've been working nonstop on this app for the past 3 days, so please be kind if the alpha version doesn't work straight away ! Thanks!

Update (v1.4alpha6): I've updated the 4.1.2+ compatible version again, it's been pushed to the Play Store and is attached here. The changes:
- Custom brightness feature implemented
- If a custom timeout is set and you hold down the middle icon, the timeout is temporarily paused (until you let go of the middle icon again)
- Forces "portrait" orientation of the notification screen by popular demand
- Implemented JB-clock for devices running >=4.2
- Added explanation to the "Custom timeout mode" (currently doesn't work correctly if you've got your system lock set to "None" or "Slide" and requires Device Administrator rights to be able to shut off the screen)

Update (v1.4): I've further improved version 1.4 and have pushed it to the production-channel on Google Play (and it's attached here).
The changes are:
- Fixed JB-clock cut-off issue
- The *newest* notification will now always be displayed in the circle (and older notifications will move to the bottom icon row)

Update (v1.5alpha2): Attached is v1.5alpha2. *The only change* in 1.5alpha2 compared to 1.4 is that it adds experimental compatibility with Android 4.0+. So if you've got a 4.1.2+ device, you don't need to update to 1.5alpha2, but if you're running 4.0/4.1 it would be awesome if you could let me know here (or via email) if the alpha works for you. As I said, it's extremely experimental as I don't have a 4.0 device for testing, but it should work ! Thanks!

Update (v1.5stable): Changelog:
- Fixes SMS notifications on the Galaxy S2/S3/S4 + HTC One
- Now shows the notifications screen again if a second/third/etc. notification arrives (I'm still working on the "breathing" feature!)
- Clock cut-off issue should be fixed
- Main notification icon is now displayed in double the size (white ring coming soon!)
- "Screen shuts off after custom timeout passed, even if I swiped up" should be fixed
- Persistent/ongoing notifications are now blocked by default for pre-4.3 devices, too

Update (v1.6beta): Changelog:
- Revamped the "Custom screen timeout"-feature - it should now work even if you've got your system lockscreen set to "None"/"Slide" and also should play nice with the "Use as lockscreen"-feature. Please let me know if it works better than before - if it doesn't, I can easily switch back to the "old" custom timeout-implementation
- (Short) breathing animation once the notification screen starts up
- Dismissing a notification by swiping left or right should now turn off the screen for everyone, even if you're using "None" or "Slide" as your system lockscreen.
- New high-quality icons for popular notification types (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, WhatsApp)
- New ActionBar-menu-options for the Settings-screen (e.g. view FAQs, email me (with a log-file attached), uninstall the app (the app needs to be deactivated from the "Device Administrator" system settings menu before it can be uninstalled, which is why I included a "one-step-uninstall"-feature in the menu))
- Breathing feature (turns screen on and off at pre-defined intervals until you acknowledge the new notification)
- "Use as a lockscreen"-feature (Shows the notification screen every time you unlock your device, even if there are no new notifications)
- Some minor bugfixes (e.g. screen no longer stays on indefinitely if you've got the "custom brightness" feature enabled)
- Rebranding ("DynamicNotifications")

Update (v1.7): Changelog:
- Fixed the "night mode"-feature (wasn't working for some users)
- Improved stability of the custom timeout-feature (it should now work regardless of which other options (such as the Lockscreen-mode or the Auto-wake feature) you've enabled)
- "Double" notifications should now be fixed, please let me know if you're still receiving them
- The app should now work side-by-side with other apps that use the Accessibility-service on pre-4.3 devices, such as "Missed It!"

Update (v1.8beta): Changelog:
- "Auto-dismiss": If you remove a new notification via another device (e.g. read a new Gmail-message in your browser), the DynamicNotifications-screen will automatically close (4.3-only)
- "Multiple notifications"-option for pre-4.3 devices (shows the 3 latest notifications below the main icon. Since the Android system doesn't tell apps when notifications are dismissed on <4.3, it will *always* show the latest 3 notifications, even if you've already dismissed them from the status bar)
- Fixed a bug where the screen would turn off after swiping up
- Fixed crashes due to bad proximity sensor readings on some devices

Update (v1.9): Changelog:
- Appearance customization options (change background/foreground color, use custom background image, show date, change notification icon border style) [requires "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"-permission to save the custom background image]
- Fixed a bug where the notification screen would be displayed even when the screen was on (requires "GET_TASKS"-permission)
- Customizable swipe-actions (open notification, unlock, launch camera, launch custom app, switch screen off, screen off + dismiss notification [Android 4.3-only], screen off + dismiss all notifications [Android 4.3-only])

Update (v2.0): Changelog:
- Ability to show DashClock extensions on the notifications screen [4.2+ only]
- Ability to deal with multiple notifications - "flick" any notification from the bottom row towards the center to make it the current "main" notification
- Increased the consistency of the breathing-feature
- Option to "lock" the notifications screen orientation to either portrait or landscape
- Double-tap anywhere on the notifications screen to turn the screen off/dismiss notification/dismiss all (deactivated by default, can be configured by double-tapping anywhere on the "Edit swipe actions"-screen)
- Preview for text messages should now work (for the stock Android messaging app)
- Homescreen shortcuts to toggle notifications and lockscreen-mode on/off (can be used by "Locale" to remotely activate/deactivate the notifications)
- "Holo"-blue as the new default foreground color
- Many app translations thanks to: Polish: Pan Szym, PiterDemon; Slovak: ja_som; Spanish: Rubén Navarro, Miguel Cruz, Cedric, Daniel Domínguez; Russian: Mavryck, Gidroparik, Виктор; German: user_99; Chinese (simplified): Peng Jone, iKira, zwei; Persian: Amirhossein

Update (v2.1): Changelog:
- Contact pictures for SMS, Gmail, etc.
- Music controls (displays track title/artist and album art in the "details" view at the top [4.3+ only])
- Small number-badge indicating the number of missed events
- "Breathe out"-animation
- Revamped "Advanced appearance options"-screen (live preview of all changes)
- Ability to block the "Home"-button
- New translations (Italian, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese, Czech, and Dutch; Thanks, Steven, Greg, Gábor, PMoto, Edbertin, Michal, Pavel and René!)

Autres infos

Article détaillé sur le ActiveDisplay sur AndroidCentral

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Dernière édition par Primokorn le Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 13:29, édité 3 fois

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] Emptyfonctionnalités Moto X, fonctions Moto X, Active notifications, lockscreen


description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Merci (il est beau n'empèche ce moto X)

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Android 4.3 en-cours d'installation chez moi... Very Happy

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

pfff je ne répondrais même pas tiens mdr

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Bah de mon coté ce sera la patience.... Où es-tu Android 4.3??? Vieeeennnt voir un peu par ici!!!

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Testé et fonctionnel sur la P.A.C. c'est sympa comme tout Very Happy

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Mise à en v2.1 ! smile

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

C'est noté Wink merci primo

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

android 4.3 ? WTF ?! un truc intelligent aurait été de le rendre compatible dès android 4.1 ... là il y a quoi 1 personne sur 100 qui peut l'installer ce machin alors ?? impossible de l'installer sur mon Z1 ?

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Petit oubli, l'application est maintenant compatible à partir de ICS 4.0.

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Fonctionne parfaitement sur LG G2. Mais du coup, ça fait un peu doublon avec le quick windows..

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Je ne connais pas vraiment Quick Windows mais le but est similaire en effet. Y'a plus qu'à choisir celle qu'on préfère. smile 
Merci pour le retour Wink

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Ben vu le prix de la coque à rabat dédiée à cette fonction (60€ sans l'offre de remboursement qui expire demain), cette appli peut être une alternative sérieuse pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore achetée. Du coup ça confirme également que ça fonctionne sur android 4.2.2. stock (rooté)

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

Ah ouais 60€... quand même affraid

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

c'est de l'achat ça!
Intéressant de savoir son nouveau nom. Je l'ai cherché à un moment ou je n'avais pas la possibilité de me connecter sur le fofo, mais rien à faire. Peut être avait- il déjà changé de nom

Merci beaucoup primo pour cette mise à jour

description[SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013] EmptyRe: [SOFT][Moto X][4.0+] DynamicNotifications alias ActiveNotifications : Notifications d'affichage écran de verrouillage[Gratuit][29.10.2013]

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