@cide.xps: le changement de couleur de la led n'est pas prévue dans la rom parce que le DHD est matériellement limité au vert et au orange. Certaines applis prévoient un paramètre pour définir d'autres couleurs, mais cela ne donnera rien voire inhibera le clignotement. Je vais remonter ton problème sur XDA pour voir si d'autres ont le même problème et/ou si LorD peut faire quelque chose. EDIT: est-ce que tu utilises GO SMS et/ou Go Contacts? Si oui, il se pourrait que le problème vienne de là. Vérifie dans les paramètres de ces applis que les options "Déverrouiller l'écran" et "Allumer l'écran" sont décochées dans Avancés/Notifications/Ecran
@Pnoir je n'est pas d'application de se genre j'utilise les originales. (j'avais essayer y a bien longtemps sous GB), et oui la led du dhd ne fait que vert et orange, c'est bien dommage d’ailleurs m'enfin c'est la vie ^^ merci de le remonter à LC je suis pas très fort en anglais en tout cas j’espère qu'il arrive à faire quel que chose, par ce que ne pas voir que j'ai un appelle en absence c'est pas super. j'ai déjà rater un appelle ce matin à cause de ca (vas falloir que j'allume plus souvent mon écran pour voir si il y un appelle en absence) Et donc conso de batterie en plus
Je sur la version 8.1 depuis 2 jours, et pas un seul bug.. Je vais passer sur la 8.1.1 . Y a eu un sacré boulot de fait depuis la première version.. la Rom est vraiment agréable à utiliser...un poil plus gourmande en batterie que ma Core Droid mais bon certainement la meilleure ICS
@Ju973: merci pour le retour. Pour ta conso batterie, il faut peut-être voir avec un outil du genre BetterBatteryStats. En vérifiant les Wakelocks, partial Wakelocks et autres Alarms, tu pourrais peut-être trouver des processus qui s'obstinent à utiliser la batterie. En changeant le paramétrage des applis concernées, les choses pourraient s'améliorer.
@pnoire, la griffe rapide....... Merci de ta réponse. J'ai un peu oc le proc. Je viens de changer le governor (cela devrait surement avoir un impact) quant au batterie saver, je vais aussi voir de ce côté. Une question: le script V6 supercharger apporterait il quelque chos dans la gestion de la ram ou LC a t il déja optimisé cela ?
@ju973: je parlais de BetterBatteryStats. ce n'est pas un saver (économiseur), c'est un outil de détection des processus encours lorsque le tél. est débranché.
Naturellement, overclocker le processus joue un rôle assez important. Perso, je le laisse en général à 1152 (fréquence par défaut de la rom) voire à 1075. Cela suffit amplement à faire tourner mes applis de manière très fluide. Je monte rarement plus haut sauf pour tester la fiabilité de la rom.
Je n'ai jamais testé V6 mais j'ai entendu autant de bien que de mal à son sujet. Perso, je me sers parfois de SysTune (payant sur Play Store) développé par un contributeur XDA (a_user) du topic IceCold.
@cide.xps: une suggestion sur XDA pour le problème des leds --> nettoyer les données de poste de pilotage de la rom (par Gérer les applications - Toutes). Redémarrer - reconfigurer tes préférences dans le poste de pilotage.
D'après ce que j'ai pu lire, tu en fais la mise à jour. FAR-PAIT. Je vais rajouter le lien dans le topic du support de l'IceCold - cela peut servir aux nombreux curieux qui hantent ces pages
voilà: Mise à jour du message 2 du topic Support. Le lien vers ton topic est dans le spoiler du titre Processeur.
Dernière édition par pnoire le Mer 27 Juin 2012 - 19:52, édité 1 fois
@pnoire, Ah cool ben oui moi je n'y comprenais rien en regardant vos posts.... donc du coup je suis allé fouiller à droite et à gauche. Le truc sympa c'est que j'ai pas mal appris. Si tu vois des erreurs n'hésites pas. Plusieurs regards ne sont jamais du luxe Edit : super si ça peut aider
Dernière édition par Ju973 le Mer 27 Juin 2012 - 21:41, édité 1 fois
@dedo: je gardais un oeil sur la progression des pages. Mais tu as raison, vaut mieux anticiper l'archivage automatique. Je m'en occupe ce soir ou demain matin. Ca devrait tenir jusque là
bon cette rom et bien terrible mis a par le petit souci de la camera, par contre j'ai un peu problème j'ai du mal avec le widget galerie, j'aimerai retrouver un widget galerie photo comme sur sense 3.5 qui est parfait a mon gout !
Je crois qu'à part SPB shell 3D (un thème complet avec widgets - payant et cher), je n'ai rien trouvé qui puisse remplacer le widget de photos style Sense. En tout cas pour le moment
Je suis passé en 8.1.1 dès qu'elle est sortie, et je reste fan de cette rom, par contre je rencontre quelques petits soucis :
- mon GPS perd son fix assez facilement, vous auriez des pistes pour améliorer ça ? - ma batterie fond comme neige au soleil : surf en 3g 10min = 10% de batterie évaporée... Qu'est-ce que ça donne chez vous niveau autonomie ?
ah oui, et une question spéciale pour pnoire, tu crois qu'on peut rêver d'un Jellybean porté sur Desire HD par Lord Clockan ?
@cide.xps: une suggestion sur XDA pour le problème des leds --> nettoyer les données de poste de pilotage de la rom (par Gérer les applications - Toutes). Redémarrer - reconfigurer tes préférences dans le poste de pilotage.
Je viens d'essayer et rien y fait ca change rien la led s'éteint quand même quand l’écran s’éteint que ce soi sms mails ou appelle en absence. je désespère
C'est barge avant on pouvais éteindre allumer l’écran comme on voulais temp qu'il y avait une notif et quel n’était pas lus ca clignotait toujours.
édite: tu dit de reconfigurer les préférence mais moi ca a garder les préférences quand j'ai effacer les données et redémarrer
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8.2.AOKP-test2 - 27-06-2012 added camera 480p rec fix from paranoid rom REVERTED: "added back 1 of 2 commits that cause 8.1 to go berserk to find which one screwed up changes go to display lib and frameworks/base - tilerendering with fbo boundaries: provied support for tilerednering when switching rendertargets" compiled with new toolchain that existz compiled with most of the fixes/optimizations weather: make cardinal directions translatable (wind direction) - AOKP now finaly we don't have prebuilt audio libs and libbcc.so new bootanim from Kenny94, well it's old but redisigned a little, also smaller than previous by 2MB
C'est dispo m'en vais flashouiller ah on me dit qu'il faut d’abord dl la rom ah ok 20min bon bah vais faire autre chose en attendent
édite: youpiiii j'ai reçu un mail j'allume l’écran je le reteint et sa clignote toujours youpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Je me suis fait un appelle en absence et sa marche aussi la led clignote écran éteint MAGNIFIQUE Pour les sms j'ai pas essayer mais je suppose que cela fonctionne. Je c'est pas si LC a fait quoi que ce soi à ce propos mais en tout cas dans les modification qu'il a fait il a régler le problème ^^
édite 2: bon le bluetooth et HS enfin à moitié, le One X vois mon DHD mais pas l'inverse d'ailleurs le DHD ne vois aucun périphérique Bluetooth alors qu'il y en a au moins 4 que je vois avec le One X.
Je met un log cat pour le bluetooth il y a pas mal d'erreur si tu peut transmettre a LC cela serais cool merci beaucoup https://dl.dropbox.com/s/eo3rg7dgb84m6q7/Catlog%20Bluetooth%20error%202012-06-28-03-39-37.txt?dl=1
Spoiler :
06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): Failed to destroy process 3062 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): libcore.io.ErrnoException: kill failed: ESRCH (No such process) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at libcore.io.Posix.kill(Native Method) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.kill(ForwardingOs.java:77) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at java.lang.ProcessManager$ProcessImpl.destroy(ProcessManager.java:257) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.a.b(Unknown Source) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at com.nolanlawson.logcat.reader.LogcatReaderLoader.(Unknown Source) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at com.nolanlawson.logcat.reader.LogcatReaderLoader.a(Unknown Source) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.o.a(Unknown Source) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at com.nolanlawson.logcat.b.f.doInBackground(Unknown Source) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:264) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:305) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:137) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1076) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:569) 06-28 03:39:39.296 I/System ( 3034): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856) 06-28 03:39:39.855 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1470): setLightsOn(true) 06-28 03:39:39.865 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1631K, 26% free 5979K/8003K, paused 3ms+8ms 06-28 03:39:40.165 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:40.165 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:40.395 I/Process ( 1394): Sending signal. PID: 3034 SIG: 3 06-28 03:39:40.395 I/dalvikvm( 3034): threadid=3: reacting to signal 3 06-28 03:39:40.405 I/dalvikvm( 3034): Wrote stack traces to '/data/anr/traces.txt' 06-28 03:39:43.324 I/ActivityManager( 1394): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.teslacoilsw.launcher/com.android.launcher2.Launcher} from pid 1394 06-28 03:39:43.403 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1665): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:39:43.433 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:43.433 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:43.463 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:43.463 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:43.483 W/InputManagerService( 1394): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4107d518 (uid=10125 pid=3034) 06-28 03:39:44.113 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:44.113 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:45.332 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1470): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:39:45.392 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:45.392 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:46.992 I/ActivityManager( 1394): START {act=android.settings.BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS flg=0x10000000 cmp=com.android.settings/.Settings$BluetoothSettingsActivity} from pid 1470 06-28 03:39:47.071 D/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1353K, 36% free 8260K/12803K, paused 56ms 06-28 03:39:47.101 D/LocalBluetoothManager( 2788): setting foreground activity to non-null context 06-28 03:39:47.181 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 2788): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:39:47.371 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1470): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:39:47.371 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:47.371 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:47.381 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1665): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:39:47.491 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:47.491 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:47.501 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1665): Flushing caches (mode 1) 06-28 03:39:48.351 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:39:48.351 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:39:49.530 I/wpa_supplicant( 3027): wlan0: Trying to associate with a0:21:b7cf:85 (SSID='Poukitapouet' freq=2417 MHz) 06-28 03:39:49.560 I/wpa_supplicant( 3027): wlan0: Associated with a0:21:b7cf:85 06-28 03:39:49.580 I/wpa_supplicant( 3027): wlan0: WPA: Key negotiation completed with a0:21:b7cf:85 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP] 06-28 03:39:49.580 I/wpa_supplicant( 3027): wlan0: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to a0:21:b7cf:85 completed (auth) [id=0 id_str=] 06-28 03:39:49.960 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): BluetoothOn process message: 2 06-28 03:39:49.970 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 12 -> 13 06-28 03:39:49.980 I/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): stopping Accept Thread 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): Error accept connection java.io.IOException: Operation Canceled 06-28 03:39:49.990 I/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): BluetoothSocket listen thread finished 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:49.990 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:50.010 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:39:50.020 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:50.040 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discoverable : false 06-28 03:39:50.040 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Switching process message: 53 06-28 03:39:50.070 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Pairable : false 06-28 03:39:50.070 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Powered : false 06-28 03:39:50.070 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Switching process message: 54 06-28 03:39:50.070 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 13 -> 10 06-28 03:39:50.070 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): HotOff process message: 102 06-28 03:39:50.070 I/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Already switched Off 06-28 03:39:50.070 E/BluetoothService.cpp( 1394): setBluetoothTetheringNative false 06-28 03:39:50.120 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 9 06-28 03:39:50.170 V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:50.170 E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:50.170 D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 13 06-28 03:39:50.200 I/bluedroid( 1394): Stopping bluetoothd deamon 06-28 03:39:50.220 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:50.240 D/DockEventReceiver( 2788): finishStartingService: stopping service 06-28 03:39:50.330 V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:50.330 E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:50.330 D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 10 06-28 03:39:50.330 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service onDestroy 06-28 03:39:50.330 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service closeService 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: Operation Canceled 06-28 03:39:50.340 D/DockEventReceiver( 2788): finishStartingService: stopping service 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.340 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.360 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:39:50.450 D/DhcpInfoInternal( 1394): empty dns1, use dhcp server as dns1! 06-28 03:39:50.450 D/DhcpInfoInternal( 1394): empty dns1, use dhcp server as dns1! 06-28 03:39:50.460 D/ConnectivityService( 1394): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED 06-28 03:39:50.490 D/ConnectivityService( 1394): ConnectivityChange for WIFI: CONNECTED/CONNECTED 06-28 03:39:50.510 D/ConnectivityService( 1394): handleConnectivityChange: address are the same reset per doReset linkProperty[1]: resetMask=0 06-28 03:39:50.699 I/bluedroid( 1394): Stopping hciattach deamon 06-28 03:39:50.719 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 10 -> 10 06-28 03:39:53.508 D/Tethering( 1394): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 06-28 03:39:53.568 I/GTalkService/c( 2863): [AndroidEndpoint@1090141872] connect: acct=1000000, state=CONNECTING 06-28 03:39:53.588 D/Tethering( 1394): MasterInitialState.processMessage what=3 06-28 03:39:53.638 D/PicasaSyncManager( 2681): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true 06-28 03:39:53.728 D/PicasaSyncManager( 2681): background data: true 06-28 03:39:53.738 I/GTalkService/c( 2863): [GTalkConnection@1090226560] connect: acct=1, state=CONNECTING 06-28 03:39:53.918 I/MediaUploader( 2845): No need to wake up 06-28 03:39:54.028 I/MediaUploader( 2845): No need to wake up 06-28 03:39:54.068 D/PicasaSyncManager( 2681): active network: NetworkInfo: type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true 06-28 03:39:54.068 D/PicasaSyncManager( 2681): background data: true 06-28 03:39:54.737 D/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1136K, 36% free 8305K/12803K, paused 2ms+5ms 06-28 03:39:54.947 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): PowerOff process message: 1 06-28 03:39:54.947 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 10 -> 11 06-28 03:39:54.977 D/ConnectivityService( 1394): handleInetConditionHoldEnd: net=1, condition=100, published condition=0 06-28 03:39:54.997 I/bluedroid( 1394): Starting hciattach daemon 06-28 03:39:55.007 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:55.047 V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:55.047 E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:55.047 D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 11 06-28 03:39:55.157 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1634K, 26% free 6086K/8131K, paused 2ms+6ms 06-28 03:39:56.236 I/System.out( 2863): [INFO]: LogSource: Response [http=200,length=26] 06-28 03:39:56.916 E/brcm_patchram_plus( 3118): Done setting line discpline 06-28 03:39:57.006 I/bluedroid( 1394): Starting bluetoothd deamon 06-28 03:39:57.036 E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 1394): get_adapter_path: D-Bus error: org.bluez.Error.NoSuchAdapter (No such adapter) 06-28 03:39:57.036 E/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 1394): failure setting up Event Loop! 06-28 03:39:57.556 I/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp( 1394): agent_event_filter: Received method org.bluez.Agent:Release 06-28 03:39:57.676 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 5 06-28 03:39:57.676 E/BluetoothService.cpp( 1394): setBluetoothTetheringNative true 06-28 03:39:57.676 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 6 06-28 03:39:57.676 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 7 06-28 03:39:57.686 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 8 06-28 03:39:57.686 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 9 06-28 03:39:57.696 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 10 06-28 03:39:57.696 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): WarmUp process message: 101 06-28 03:39:57.696 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): WarmUp process message: 51 06-28 03:39:57.696 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): HotOff process message: 101 06-28 03:39:57.726 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Powered : true 06-28 03:39:57.726 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Switching process message: 54 06-28 03:39:57.726 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Pairable : true 06-28 03:39:57.736 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Class : 5898240 06-28 03:39:57.736 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Pairable : true 06-28 03:39:57.736 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discoverable : true 06-28 03:39:57.736 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Switching process message: 53 06-28 03:39:57.736 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 11 -> 12 06-28 03:39:57.746 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:57.796 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discovering : true 06-28 03:39:57.816 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED 06-28 03:39:57.836 V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:57.836 E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:57.836 D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 12 06-28 03:39:57.846 D/DockEventReceiver( 2788): finishStartingService: stopping service 06-28 03:39:57.856 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service onCreate 06-28 03:39:57.856 I/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): Accept thread started on channel 12 06-28 03:39:57.856 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service onCreate 06-28 03:39:57.856 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Starting MAP service 06-28 03:39:57.856 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service onStartCommand 06-28 03:39:57.856 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): action: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:39:57.916 V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver( 2788): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED 06-28 03:40:03.862 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Handler(): got msg=1 06-28 03:40:03.862 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service startRfcommSocketListener 06-28 03:40:03.862 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service initSocket 06-28 03:40:03.872 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Succeed to create listening socket on channel 16 06-28 03:40:08.020 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discovering : false 06-28 03:40:08.040 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discovering : true 06-28 03:40:08.040 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED 06-28 03:40:08.070 V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver( 2788): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED 06-28 03:40:08.080 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED 06-28 03:40:08.130 V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver( 2788): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_STARTED 06-28 03:40:18.244 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discovering : false 06-28 03:40:18.254 E/BluetoothService.cpp( 1394): stopDiscoveryNative: D-Bus error in StopDiscovery: org.bluez.Error.Failed (Invalid discovery session) 06-28 03:40:18.274 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED 06-28 03:40:18.284 V/BluetoothDiscoveryReceiver( 2788): Received: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.DISCOVERY_FINISHED 06-28 03:41:34.662 D/LocalBluetoothManager( 2788): setting foreground activity to null 06-28 03:41:34.702 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1665): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:41:34.752 W/InputManagerService( 1394): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@40d18038 (uid=1000 pid=2788) 06-28 03:41:34.782 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:41:34.782 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:41:34.792 D/OpenGLRenderer( 2788): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:41:35.062 D/OpenGLRenderer( 2788): Flushing caches (mode 1) 06-28 03:41:38.670 D/dalvikvm( 2419): GC_CONCURRENT freed 4866K, 70% free 2343K/7680K, paused 1ms+2ms 06-28 03:42:31.051 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:42:31.051 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:42:31.081 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:42:31.081 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:42:33.950 D/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1669K, 35% free 8352K/12803K, paused 3ms+6ms 06-28 03:43:32.628 D/dalvikvm( 2419): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1721K, 70% free 2338K/7680K, paused 1ms+1ms 06-28 03:45:32.612 D/dalvikvm( 2419): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1716K, 70% free 2338K/7680K, paused 1ms+2ms 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): Problem with socket or streams. 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to www.google-analytics.com/ (port 80): connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:192) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:459) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:848) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at org.apache.http.conn.scheme.PlainSocketFactory.connectSocket(PlainSocketFactory.java:119) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at com.google.android.apps.analytics.t.run(Unknown Source) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:605) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112) 06-28 03:46:02.155 W/GoogleAnalyticsTracker( 1665): ... 9 more 06-28 03:46:27.831 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1470): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:46:27.881 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:27.881 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:46:28.961 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): BluetoothOn process message: 2 06-28 03:46:28.981 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 12 -> 13 06-28 03:46:28.991 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:46:28.991 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:46:28.991 I/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): stopping Accept Thread 06-28 03:46:28.991 E/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): Error accept connection java.io.IOException: Operation Canceled 06-28 03:46:28.991 I/BtOppRfcommListener( 1592): BluetoothSocket listen thread finished 06-28 03:46:29.011 E/Bluetooth HS/HF( 1649): BluetoothServerSocket could not accept connection 06-28 03:46:29.021 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Discoverable : false 06-28 03:46:29.021 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Switching process message: 53 06-28 03:46:29.031 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Pairable : false 06-28 03:46:29.041 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: Powered : false 06-28 03:46:29.051 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Switching process message: 54 06-28 03:46:29.051 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 13 -> 10 06-28 03:46:29.061 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): HotOff process message: 102 06-28 03:46:29.061 I/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Already switched Off 06-28 03:46:29.061 E/BluetoothService.cpp( 1394): setBluetoothTetheringNative false 06-28 03:46:29.081 V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:46:29.081 E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:46:29.081 D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 13 06-28 03:46:29.091 D/BluetoothEventLoop( 1394): Property Changed: UUIDs : 9 06-28 03:46:29.091 D/DockEventReceiver( 2788): finishStartingService: stopping service 06-28 03:46:29.101 V/BluetoothEventManager( 2788): Received android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:46:29.160 I/bluedroid( 1394): Stopping bluetoothd deamon 06-28 03:46:29.210 V/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:46:29.210 E/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): BluetoothMasReceiver onReceive :android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED 06-28 03:46:29.210 D/BluetoothMasReceiver( 1592): Bluetooth STATE CHANGED to 10 06-28 03:46:29.220 D/DockEventReceiver( 2788): finishStartingService: stopping service 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service onDestroy 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Map Service closeService 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: Operation Canceled 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.230 E/BluetoothMasService( 1592): Accept exception: java.io.IOException: socket closed 06-28 03:46:29.260 I/ActivityManager( 1394): No longer want com.google.android.calendar (pid 2528): hidden #16 06-28 03:46:29.660 I/bluedroid( 1394): Stopping hciattach deamon 06-28 03:46:29.680 D/BluetoothAdapterStateMachine( 1394): Bluetooth state 10 -> 10 06-28 03:46:32.489 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1470): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:46:32.509 W/InputManagerService( 1394): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4117ded0 06-28 03:46:34.667 I/ActivityManager( 1394): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.nolanlawson.logcat/.LogcatActivity bnds=[240,381][240,381]} from pid 1665 06-28 03:46:34.777 D/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1635K, 35% free 8396K/12803K, paused 73ms 06-28 03:46:34.937 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1665): Flushing caches (mode 1) 06-28 03:46:35.077 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:35.077 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBX_8888 06-28 03:46:35.087 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1665): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:46:35.087 V/PhoneStatusBar( 1470): setLightsOn(true) 06-28 03:46:35.157 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:35.157 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBX_8888 06-28 03:46:37.736 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 970K, 25% free 6288K/8323K, paused 31ms 06-28 03:46:37.786 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 117K, 26% free 6374K/8515K, paused 23ms 06-28 03:46:37.806 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 45K, 26% free 6379K/8579K, paused 22ms 06-28 03:46:37.806 I/dalvikvm-heap( 3034): Grow heap (frag case) to 13.818MB for 51856-byte allocation 06-28 03:46:45.272 I/InputReader( 1394): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 06-28 03:46:45.272 I/InputReader( 1394): Device reconfigured: id=5, name='synaptics-rmi-touchscreen', surface size is now 480x800, mode is 1 06-28 03:46:45.302 I/ActivityManager( 1394): Config changed: {0.85 228mcc1mnc fr_CH layoutdir=0 sw320dp w533dp h294dp nrml long land finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.6 themeResource=null} 06-28 03:46:45.442 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1470): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:46:45.521 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:45.521 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBX_8888 06-28 03:46:45.631 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1470): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:46:45.681 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:45.681 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBX_8888 06-28 03:46:45.711 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:45.711 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:46:45.731 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:45.731 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGB_565 06-28 03:46:46.011 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:46.011 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGB_565 06-28 03:46:46.881 I/InputReader( 1394): Reconfiguring input devices. changes=0x00000004 06-28 03:46:46.881 I/InputReader( 1394): Device reconfigured: id=5, name='synaptics-rmi-touchscreen', surface size is now 480x800, mode is 1 06-28 03:46:46.901 I/ActivityManager( 1394): Config changed: {0.85 228mcc1mnc fr_CH layoutdir=0 sw320dp w320dp h508dp nrml long port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h s.7 themeResource=null} 06-28 03:46:46.971 D/OpenGLRenderer( 1470): Flushing caches (mode 0) 06-28 03:46:47.061 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:47.061 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBX_8888 06-28 03:46:47.081 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:47.081 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGB_565 06-28 03:46:47.201 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1470): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:46:47.271 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:47.271 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:46:47.430 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1429K, 29% free 6678K/9283K, paused 1ms+12ms 06-28 03:46:47.450 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:47.450 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBX_8888 06-28 03:46:47.620 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:47.620 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGB_565 06-28 03:46:49.599 D/dalvikvm( 1394): GC_EXPLICIT freed 627K, 36% free 8310K/12803K, paused 2ms+5ms 06-28 03:46:54.147 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:46:54.147 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:46:54.537 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1014K, 21% free 7389K/9283K, paused 2ms+5ms 06-28 03:47:00.014 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:47:00.014 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:47:12.257 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1596K, 21% free 7548K/9539K, paused 2ms+12ms 06-28 03:47:14.136 I/dalvikvm( 3034): Jit: resizing JitTable from 4096 to 8192 06-28 03:47:16.065 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1804K, 23% free 7569K/9795K, paused 2ms+11ms 06-28 03:47:18.204 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1747K, 23% free 7571K/9795K, paused 2ms+8ms 06-28 03:47:21.692 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1539K, 21% free 7771K/9795K, paused 2ms+7ms 06-28 03:47:24.440 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1729K, 22% free 7788K/9923K, paused 1ms+9ms 06-28 03:47:25.230 D/dalvikvm( 1665): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1909K, 26% free 8507K/11459K, paused 1ms+4ms 06-28 03:47:32.606 D/dalvikvm( 2419): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1721K, 70% free 2338K/7680K, paused 2ms+2ms 06-28 03:47:50.876 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:47:50.876 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:47:54.144 W/InputManagerService( 1394): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41293df0 06-28 03:47:58.981 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1892K, 35% free 6618K/10051K, paused 40ms 06-28 03:47:59.041 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 138K, 27% free 7393K/10051K, paused 28ms 06-28 03:47:59.041 I/dalvikvm-heap( 3034): Grow heap (frag case) to 14.809MB for 51856-byte allocation 06-28 03:48:18.600 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 939K, 22% free 8177K/10371K, paused 2ms+7ms 06-28 03:48:21.799 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1173K, 21% free 8438K/10563K, paused 36ms 06-28 03:48:21.839 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 58K, 21% free 8684K/10883K, paused 30ms 06-28 03:48:38.310 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 2043K, 29% free 8048K/11203K, paused 54ms 06-28 03:48:38.379 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 276K, 28% free 8149K/11203K, paused 34ms 06-28 03:48:38.379 I/dalvikvm-heap( 3034): Grow heap (frag case) to 15.620MB for 128656-byte allocation 06-28 03:48:38.889 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1319K, 34% free 8703K/13059K, paused 1ms+3ms 06-28 03:48:40.668 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1513K, 35% free 8538K/13059K, paused 23ms 06-28 03:48:42.237 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1387K, 35% free 8605K/13059K, paused 26ms 06-28 03:48:42.897 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1194K, 35% free 8573K/13059K, paused 24ms 06-28 03:48:52.842 D/dalvikvm( 3034): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 1372K, 35% free 8575K/13059K, paused 32ms 06-28 03:49:04.995 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1665): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:49:05.075 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3034): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection 06-28 03:49:05.075 W/InputManagerService( 1394): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4107d518 (uid=10125 pid=3034) 06-28 03:49:05.125 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:49:05.125 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:49:06.984 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1470): : Format RGBA_8888. 06-28 03:49:07.034 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : Android Image 06-28 03:49:07.034 I/Adreno200-EGLSUB( 1281): : RGBA_8888 06-28 03:49:07.174 D/dalvikvm( 1470): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1856K, 48% free 5570K/10691K, paused 2ms+6ms
Et non je n'est pas le One X ce n'est pas le mien mdrr Si seulement il était mien
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Dernière édition par cide.xps le Jeu 28 Juin 2012 - 4:29, édité 1 fois