quelqu'un peut essayer de dumper ca rom sfr je pense que la procedure et la meme que celle pour dumper la rom orange
Voici la procedure à suivre: Tuto pour dumper sa rom hd2
Bleu = Commande à executer
1/ Ouvrir une invite de command MSDOS
2/ Puis extraire les outils dans un dossier, le mien s'appel it
Copying C:ititsutils.dll to WCE:windowsitsutils.dll
(C) 2003-2008 Willem jan Hengeveld
Usage: pdocread [options] start [ length [ filename ] ]
when no length is specified, 512 bytes are assumed
when no filename is specified, a hexdump is printed
-t : find exact disk size
-l : list all diskdevices
-v : be verbose
-s OFS : seek into source file ( for writing only )
-b SIZE: specify sectorsize used to calculate sector offsets
-B SIZE: specify blocksize to use when reading the disk
-G SIZE: specify blocksize to use when transfering over activesync
-u PASSWD : unlock DOC device
-S BK1x : specify alternate disksignature ( e.g. BIPO, BK1A .. BK1G )
-W OFS : specify optional 'writeenable' flag ptr
-d NAME : devicename or storename
-p NAME : partitionname
-h HANDLE : directly specify handle
either specify -d and optionally -p, or specify -h
-n NUM : binarypartition number ( normal p if omitted )
-w : read via windows disk api
-o : read OTP area
-F : read qualcomm flash using flashdrv.dll
-N : read samsung flash using ondisk.dll
-ux : unlock the hidden area's for qualcomm or samsung flash
if the filename is omitted, the data is hexdumped to stdout
if no length is specified, 512 bytes are printed
numbers can be specified as hex (ex: 0x8000) or decimal (ex: 3276 )
C:it>pdocread.exe -l
422.00M (0x1a600000) DSK1:
| 3.12M (0x31f000) Part00
| 5.13M (0x520000) Part01
| 213.75M (0xd5c0000) Part02
| 200.00M (0xc800000) Part03
19.75M (0x13c0000) DSK3:
| 19.75M (0x13c0000) PART00
STRG handles:
handle#0 9ea58e9a 19.75M (0x13c0000)
handle#1 bed76176 200.00M (0xc800000)
handle#2 defbe9f6 213.75M (0xd5c0000)
handle#3 befbe9d2 5.13M (0x520000)
handle#4 3efbe98a 3.12M (0x31f000)
disk 9ea58e9a
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk bed76176
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk defbe9f6
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk befbe9d2
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk 3efbe98a
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4/ Puis
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part00 0 0x31f000 Part00.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x31f000, Part00.raw)
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part01 0 0x520000 Part01.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x520000, Part01.raw)
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part02 0 0xd5c0000 Part02.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0xd5c0000, Part02.raw)
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part03 0 0xc800000 Part03.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0xc800000, Part03.raw)
C:>cd leo
5/ Puis
C:leo>COPY /B inicio.bin+Part00.raw+Part01.raw os.nb.base
1 fichier(s) copié(s).
C:leo>COPY /B relleno.bin+Part02.raw imgfs.bin
1 fichier(s) copié(s).
C:leo>ImgfsToNb.exe imgfs.bin OS.NB.base os.nb.payload
ImgfsToNb 2.1rc2
Using bigstorage mode
Sector size is 0x800 bytes
Writing imgfs to offset byte 0x6a0000, sector 0xd40
Padding ImgFs from 0xd600000 bytes (0x1ac00 sectors)
to 0xd600000 bytes (0x1ac00 sectors)
Not conservative mode. Changing imgfsEnd from 0x59c0000 to 0xdca0000
Partition entry before:
File System: 0x25
Start Sector: 0x00000d40
Total Sectors: 0x0000a640
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x35
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2cd
Partition entry after:
File System: 0x25
Start Sector: 0x00000d40
Total Sectors: 0x0001ac00
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x35
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2e4
Partition entry before:
File System: 0x04
Start Sector: 0x0000b380
Total Sectors: 0x0000ff40
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x2ce
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2ca
Partition entry after:
File System: 0x04
Start Sector: 0x0001b940
Total Sectors: 0xfffff980
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x2e5
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2ca
ImgFs Flash Region log blocks was 0x299, now is 0x6b0
Storage Flash Region log block was 0xffffffff, now is 0xffffffff,
C:leo>NBMerge.exe -kaiser OS.NB
NBMerge 2.1rc2
Executing NBMerge.exe with data chunk size = 0x800 and extra chunk size = 0x8
on file OS.NB
Partition 0: start sector: 0x00000002, total: 0x0000063e
first used: 0x00000002, used: 0x0000063e
Partition 1: start sector: 0x00000640, total: 0x00000700
first used: 0x00000640, used: 0x00000700
Partition 2: start sector: 0x00000d40, total: 0x0001ac00
first used: 0x00000dc0, used: 0x0001ab80
Checking OS.NB for bad NAND block marker
Checked 0x1b940 sectors successfully!
6/ Et voila.
Dernière édition par papayou le Dim 13 Déc 2009 - 16:42, édité 9 fois
Voici la procedure à suivre: Tuto pour dumper sa rom hd2
Bleu = Commande à executer
1/ Ouvrir une invite de command MSDOS
2/ Puis extraire les outils dans un dossier, le mien s'appel it
Copying C:ititsutils.dll to WCE:windowsitsutils.dll
(C) 2003-2008 Willem jan Hengeveld
Usage: pdocread [options] start [ length [ filename ] ]
when no length is specified, 512 bytes are assumed
when no filename is specified, a hexdump is printed
-t : find exact disk size
-l : list all diskdevices
-v : be verbose
-s OFS : seek into source file ( for writing only )
-b SIZE: specify sectorsize used to calculate sector offsets
-B SIZE: specify blocksize to use when reading the disk
-G SIZE: specify blocksize to use when transfering over activesync
-u PASSWD : unlock DOC device
-S BK1x : specify alternate disksignature ( e.g. BIPO, BK1A .. BK1G )
-W OFS : specify optional 'writeenable' flag ptr
-d NAME : devicename or storename
-p NAME : partitionname
-h HANDLE : directly specify handle
either specify -d and optionally -p, or specify -h
-n NUM : binarypartition number ( normal p if omitted )
-w : read via windows disk api
-o : read OTP area
-F : read qualcomm flash using flashdrv.dll
-N : read samsung flash using ondisk.dll
-ux : unlock the hidden area's for qualcomm or samsung flash
if the filename is omitted, the data is hexdumped to stdout
if no length is specified, 512 bytes are printed
numbers can be specified as hex (ex: 0x8000) or decimal (ex: 3276 )
C:it>pdocread.exe -l
422.00M (0x1a600000) DSK1:
| 3.12M (0x31f000) Part00
| 5.13M (0x520000) Part01
| 213.75M (0xd5c0000) Part02
| 200.00M (0xc800000) Part03
19.75M (0x13c0000) DSK3:
| 19.75M (0x13c0000) PART00
STRG handles:
handle#0 9ea58e9a 19.75M (0x13c0000)
handle#1 bed76176 200.00M (0xc800000)
handle#2 defbe9f6 213.75M (0xd5c0000)
handle#3 befbe9d2 5.13M (0x520000)
handle#4 3efbe98a 3.12M (0x31f000)
disk 9ea58e9a
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk bed76176
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk defbe9f6
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk befbe9d2
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
disk 3efbe98a
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4/ Puis
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part00 0 0x31f000 Part00.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x31f000, Part00.raw)
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part01 0 0x520000 Part01.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x520000, Part01.raw)
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part02 0 0xd5c0000 Part02.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0xd5c0000, Part02.raw)
C:it>pdocread -w -d DSK1: -b 0x800 -p Part03 0 0xc800000 Part03.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0xc800000, Part03.raw)
C:>cd leo
5/ Puis
C:leo>COPY /B inicio.bin+Part00.raw+Part01.raw os.nb.base
1 fichier(s) copié(s).
C:leo>COPY /B relleno.bin+Part02.raw imgfs.bin
1 fichier(s) copié(s).
C:leo>ImgfsToNb.exe imgfs.bin OS.NB.base os.nb.payload
ImgfsToNb 2.1rc2
Using bigstorage mode
Sector size is 0x800 bytes
Writing imgfs to offset byte 0x6a0000, sector 0xd40
Padding ImgFs from 0xd600000 bytes (0x1ac00 sectors)
to 0xd600000 bytes (0x1ac00 sectors)
Not conservative mode. Changing imgfsEnd from 0x59c0000 to 0xdca0000
Partition entry before:
File System: 0x25
Start Sector: 0x00000d40
Total Sectors: 0x0000a640
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x35
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2cd
Partition entry after:
File System: 0x25
Start Sector: 0x00000d40
Total Sectors: 0x0001ac00
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x35
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2e4
Partition entry before:
File System: 0x04
Start Sector: 0x0000b380
Total Sectors: 0x0000ff40
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x2ce
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2ca
Partition entry after:
File System: 0x04
Start Sector: 0x0001b940
Total Sectors: 0xfffff980
Boot indicator: 0x00
First Head: 0x00
First Sector: 0x01
First Track: 0x2e5
Last Head: 0x3f
Last Sector: 0x01
Last Track: 0x2ca
ImgFs Flash Region log blocks was 0x299, now is 0x6b0
Storage Flash Region log block was 0xffffffff, now is 0xffffffff,
C:leo>NBMerge.exe -kaiser OS.NB
NBMerge 2.1rc2
Executing NBMerge.exe with data chunk size = 0x800 and extra chunk size = 0x8
on file OS.NB
Partition 0: start sector: 0x00000002, total: 0x0000063e
first used: 0x00000002, used: 0x0000063e
Partition 1: start sector: 0x00000640, total: 0x00000700
first used: 0x00000640, used: 0x00000700
Partition 2: start sector: 0x00000d40, total: 0x0001ac00
first used: 0x00000dc0, used: 0x0001ab80
Checking OS.NB for bad NAND block marker
Checked 0x1b940 sectors successfully!
6/ Et voila.
Dernière édition par papayou le Dim 13 Déc 2009 - 16:42, édité 9 fois